12th West Bengal Board
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A charged capacitor is connected across an inductor with a wire having practically no resistance. Show that the discharge of the capacitor is oscillatory. Find the frequency of oscillations.

Important Questions on Transient Current and Alternating Current

12th West Bengal Board

Derive an expression for the average power consumed in a series LCR circuit connected to ac source in which the phase-difference between the voltage and current in the circuit is ϕ

12th West Bengal Board
Define the quality factor in an ac circuit. Why should the quality factor have high value in receiving circuits. Name the factors on which it depends.
12th West Bengal Board

A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source having voltage v=vmsinωt. Derive the expression for the instantaneous current I and the phase relationship to the applied voltage. Obtain the condition for resonance to occur. Define power factor. State the conditions under which it is

(i) Maximum,

12th West Bengal Board

A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source having voltage v=vmsinωt. Derive the expression for the instantaneous current I and the phase relationship to the applied voltage. Obtain the condition for resonance to occur. Define power factor. State the conditions under which it is

(ii) Minimum.

12th West Bengal Board
Derive an expression for the impudence of a series LCR circuit connected to an ac supply of variable frequency. Plot a graph showing variation of current with the frequency of the applied voltage. Explain briefly how the phenomenon of resonance in the circuit can be used in the tuning mechanism of a radio or a TV set.
12th West Bengal Board
What do you understand by the sharpness of resonance in a series LCR circuit ? Derive an expression for the Q-factor for the circuit.
12th West Bengal Board

Explaining the nature of variation. A series L.C.R circuit is connected to an ac source using phasor diagram, derive the expression for the impedance of the circuit. Plot a graph to show the variation of current with the frequency of the source.

Question Image

12th West Bengal Board

A voltage V=V0sinωt applied to a series LCR circuit drives a current i=i0sinωt in the circuit. Derive the expression for the average power dissipated in the circuit.