AS and A Level
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A footballer kicks a ball directly towards a wall 10 m away and walks after the ball in the same direction at a constant 2 m s-1. The ball starts at 4 m s-1 but decelerates at a constant rate of 0.5 m s-2. When it hits the wall it rebounds to travel away from the wall at the same speed with which it hit the wall.
Find the time after the initial kick when the ball returns to the footballer.

Important Questions on Velocity and Acceleration

AS and A Level
A cyclist covers 120 m in 15 s at constant speed. Find her speed.
AS and A Level
A sprinter runs at constant speed of  9 m s-1 for 7 s. Find the distance covered.
AS and A Level
A cheetah spots a grazing gazelle 150 m away and runs at a constant 25 m s-1 to catch it. What assumptions have been made to answer the question?
AS and A Level
The speed of light is 3.00×108 m s-1 to 3 significant figures. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 150 million km to 3 significant figures. Find how long it takes for light from the Sun to reach the Earth on average. Give the answer in minutes and seconds.
AS and A Level
The land speed record was set in 1997 at 1223.657 km h-1. Find how long in seconds it took to cover 1 km when the record was set.