12th CBSE
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A moving coil galvanometer consists of a rectangular coil of N turns, each of area A, suspended in a radial magnetic field of flux density B. Derive the expression for the torque on the coil, when current I passes through it. Draw a suitable labelled diagram.

Important Questions on Magnetic Effect of Current

12th CBSE
A moving coil galvanometer of resistance G gives a full scale deflection for a current Ig Use the suitable circuit diagram to convert it into an ammeter of range 0 to II>Ig. Deduce the expression for the shunt required for this conversion. Hence write the expression for the resistance of the ammeter thus obtained.
12th CBSE
Explain how will you convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter to read a maximum potential difference of V volts. Can one use a voltmeter to measure the emf of a cell? Justify your answer.
12th CBSE

Three long straight parallel wires are kept as shown in Figure. The wire (3)(3) carries a current I. The direction of flow of current I in wire (3), is such that the net force, on wire (1), due to the other two wires is zero.

12th CBSE

Three long straight parallel wires are kept as shown in Figure. The wire (3)(3) carries a current I. By reversing the direction of I, the net force, on wire (2), due to the other two wires, becomes zero. What will be the directions of current I, in the two cases? Also, obtain the relation between the magnitudes of currents I1, I2and I.

12th CBSE
Two long straight parallel conductors carrying steady currents Ia and Ib along the same direction are separated by a distance d. How does one explain the force of attraction between them ? If a third conductor carrying a current Ic in the opposite direction is placed just in the middle of these conductors, find the resultant force acting on the third conductor.
12th CBSE
Draw and justify the trajectory of identical positive ions whose velocity has a magnitude less than vc.
12th CBSE

A particle of mass m and charge q is in motion at speed v parallel to a long straight conductor carrying current I as shown below.

Find the magnitude and direction of electric field required so that the particle goes undeflected.

12th CBSE
Use Biot-Savart's law to find the expression for the magnetic field due to a circular loop of radius 'r' carrying current 'I', at its centre.