10th CBSE
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A neutral organic compound with four carbon atoms X reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Another organic compound Y with four carbon atoms reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to evolve a gas which turns lime water milky. When compounds X and Y are heated together in the presence of a little of concentrated sulphuric acid, then a new compound Z is formed.

What is compound Y? Also write its formula.

Important Questions on Carbon And its Compounds

10th CBSE
Name the element whose one of the allotropic forms is buckminsterfullerene.
10th CBSE
Diamond and graphite are the covalent compounds of carbon elements (C).
10th CBSE
Name the scientist who disproved the ‘vital force theory’ for the formation of organic compounds. (Friedrich Wohler/ Berzelius)
10th CBSE
Name the element whose allotropic form is graphite.
10th CBSE

A neutral organic compound with four carbon atoms X, reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Another organic compound Y, with four carbon atoms, reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to evolve a gas which turns lime water milky. When compounds X and Y are heated together in the presence of a little concentrated sulphuric acid, then a new compound Z is formed.

What is compound Z? Write its formula.

10th CBSE

A neutral organic compound with four carbon atoms X reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Another organic compound Y with four carbon atoms reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to evolve a gas which turns lime water milky. When compounds X and Y are heated together in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, then a new compound Z is formed.

What type of smell is given by compound Z?

10th CBSE

A neutral organic compound with four carbon atoms X, reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Another organic compound Y, with four carbon atoms, reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to evolve a gas which turns lime water milky. When compounds X and Y are heated together in the presence of a little concentrated sulphuric acid, then a new compound Z is formed.

What is the general name of compounds like Z?

10th CBSE

A neutral organic compound with four carbon atoms X, reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Another organic compound Y, with four carbon atoms, reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to evolve a gas which turns lime water milky. When compounds X and Y are heated together in the presence of a little concentrated sulphuric acid, then a new compound Z is formed.

What is the general name of the reaction which takes place between X and Y to form Z?