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A solid cylinder and a solid sphere both having the same mass and radius are released from a rough inclined plane. Both roll without slipping. Then,

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Important Questions on Rotational Mechanics

A solid sphere of mass 2 kg is rolling on a frictionless horizontal surface with velocity 6 m s-1. It collides on the free end of an ideal spring whose other end is fixed. The maximum compression produced in the spring will be (Force constant of the spring = 36 N m-1).

A rod of length 50 cm is pivoted at one end. It is raised such that it makes an angle of 30o from the horizontal as shown and released from rest. Its angular speed when it passes through the horizontal (in rad s-1 ) will be g=10 ms-2

A solid sphere of mass, m and radius, R is rotating about its diameter. A solid cylinder of the same mass and same radius is also rotating about its geometrical axis with an angular speed twice that of the sphere. The ratio of their kinetic energies of rotation EsphereEcylinder will be
Two discs of same moment of inertia ( I )  are rotating in same sense about their regular axis passing through centre and perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular velocities ω1 and ω2. They are brought into contact face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. The expression for loss in energy during this process is
A uniform circular disc of radius 50 cm at rest is free to rotate about an axis which is perpendicular to its plane and passes through its centre. It is subjected to a torque which produces a constant angular acceleration of 2.0 rad s-2. Its net acceleration in s-2 at the end of 2.0 s is approximately:
In a physical balance working on the principle of moments, when 5mg weight is placed on the left pan, the beam becomes horizontal. Both the empty pans of the balance are of equal mass. Which of the following statements is correct?
A uniform solid cylindrical roller of mass m is being pulled on a horizontal surface with force F parallel to the surface and applied at its centre. If the acceleration of the cylinder is a and it is rolling without slipping then the value of F is:
A roller is made by joining together two cones at their vertices O. It is kept on two rails AB and CD which are placed asymmetrically (see figure), with its axis perpendicular to CD and its centre O at the centre of line joining AB and CD (see figure). It is given a light push so that it starts rolling with its centre O moving parallel to CD in the direction shown. As it moves, the roller will tend to:

A disk and a sphere of same radius but different masses roll off on two inclined planes of the same altitude and length. Which one of the two objects gets to the bottom of the plane first?

A rigid massless rod of length 3l has two masses attached at each end as shown in the figure. The rod is pivoted at point P on the horizontal axis. When released from the initial horizontal position, its instantaneous angular acceleration will be

Three objects, A : (a solid sphere), B : (a thin circular disk) and C : (a circular ring), each have the same mass M and radius R . They all spin with the same angular speed ω about their own symmetric axes. The amounts of work (W) required to bring them to rest, would satisfy the relation
The moment of inertia of a ring about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to its plane is I. It is rotating with angular velocity ω. Another identical ring is gently placed on it so that their centres coincide. If both the rings are rotating about the same axis then loss in kinetic energy is
A cylinder of mass Mc and sphere of mass Ms are placed at points A and B of two inclines, respectively. (See figure). If they roll on the incline without slipping such that their accelerations are the same, then the ratio sin θ c sin θ s  is :
A uniform disc of radius R and mass M is free to rotate only about its axis. A string is wrapped over its rim and a body of mass m is tied to the free end of the string as shown in the figure. The body is released from rest. Then the acceleration of the body is:

Consider a cylinder of mass M resting on a rough horizontal rug that is pulled out from under it with acceleration 'a' perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. What is Ffriction at point P ? It is assumed that the cylinder does not slip.

A solid sphere and solid cylinder of identical radii approach an incline with the same linear velocity (see figure). Both roll without slipping all throughout. The two climb maximum heights hsph and hcyl on the incline. The ratio hsphhcyl  is given by:

A disc of radius 2 m and mass 100 kg rolls on a horizontal floor. Its centre of mass has speed of 20 cm s-1. How much work is needed to stop it?
A homogeneous solid cylindrical roller of radius R and mass M is pulled on a cricket pitch by a horizontal force. Assuming rolling without slipping, angular acceleration of the cylinder is:
A particle of mass 10 g moves along a circle of radius 6.4 cm with a constant tangential acceleration. What is the magnitude of this acceleration if the kinetic energy of the particle becomes equal to 8×10-4 J by the end of the second revolution after the beginning of the motion?
A solid sphere is in rolling motion. In rolling motion a body possesses translational kinetic energy Kt as well as rotational kinetic energy Kr simultaneously. The ratio Kt:Kt+Kr for the sphere is