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A typical kinetic energy for a nucleon in a middle-mass nucleus may be taken as 4.00 MeV. To what effective nuclear temperature does this corresponds, based on the assumptions of the collective model of nuclear structure?

Important Questions on Nuclear Physics

JEE Main
Consider an initially pure 3.4 g sample of Ga67, an isotope that has a half-life of 78 h. (a) What is its initial decay rate? (b) What is its decay rate 48 h later?
JEE Main

Figure shows the decay of parents in a radioactive sample. The axes are scaled by Ns=2.0×106 and ts=10.0 s. What is the activity of the sample at t=27.0 s?

JEE Main

The isotope U238 decays to Pb206 with a half-life of 4.47×109 y. Although the decay occurs in many individual steps, the first step has by far the longest half-life. Therefore, one can often consider the decay to go directly to Lead. That is,

U238Pb206+ various decay products.

A rock is found to contain 4.20 mg of U238 and 2.135 mg of Pb206. Assume that the rock contained no Lead at formation, so all the Lead present later arose from the decay of Uranium. How many atoms of (a) U238 and (b) Pb206 does the rock contain later? (c) How many atoms of U238 did the rock contain at formation ? (d) What is the age of the rock?

JEE Main

Under certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay by emitting a particle more massive than an alpha particle. Consider the decays

Ra223Pb209+C14 and Ra223Rn219+He4

Calculate the Q-value for the (a) first and (b) second decay, and determine that both are energetically possible. (c) The Coulomb barrier height for the alpha-particle emission is 30.0 MeV. What is the barrier height for C14 emission? (Be careful about the nuclear radii). The needed atomic masses are:

Ra223=223.018 50 u
Pb209=208.981 07 u.
Rn219=219.009 48 u
C14=14.003 24 u
He4=4.002 60 u

JEE Main
An 85 kg worker at a breeder reactor plant accidentally ingests 2.5 mg of Pu239 dust. This isotope has a half-life of 24100 y, decaying by alpha decay. The energy of the emitted alpha particles is 5.2 MeV, with an RBE factor of 13. Assume that the plutonium resides in the worker's body for 12 h (it is eliminated naturally by any of the internal organs) and that 95% of the emitted alpha particles are stopped within the body. Calculate (a) the number of plutonium atoms ingested, (b) the number that decays during the 12 h, (c) the energy absorbed by the body, (d) the resulting physical dose, in grays, and (e) the dose equivalent, in sieverts.
JEE Main

Some radionuclide decay by capturing one of their own atomic electrons, a K-shell electron, say. An example is

V49+e-Ti49+vT1/2=331 d.

Show that the disintegration energy Q for this process is given by
where mV and mTi are the atomic masses of V49 and Ti49, respectively, and EK is the binding energy of vanadium K-shell electron. (Hint: Put mV and mTi as the corresponding nuclear masses and then add in enough electrons to use the atomic masses).

JEE Main
A rock recovered from far underground is found to contain 0.86 mg of U2380.15 mg of Pb206 and 1.6 mg of Ar40. How much K40 will it likely contain? Assume that K40 decays to only Ar40 which has a half-life of 1.25×109 y. Also assume that U238 has a half-life of 4.47×109 y.
JEE Main
In the following list of nuclides, identify (a) those with filled nucleon shells, (b) those with one nucleon outside a filled shell and (c) those with one vacancy in an otherwise filled shell, C13, O18, K40, Ti49, Ni60, Zr91, Mo92, Sb121, Nd143, Sm144, TI205 and Pb207.