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Addition of SnCl2 to HgCl2 gives ppt

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Important Questions on Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry

A colorless aqueous solution contains nitrates of two metals, X and Y. When it was added to an aqueous solution of NaCl, a white precipitate was formed. This precipitate was found to be partly soluble in hot water to give a residue P and a solution Q. The residue P was soluble in aq. NH3 and also in excess sodium thiosulfate. The hot solution Q gave a yellow precipitate with KI. The metals X and Y, respectively, are
Which of the following ions does not liberate hydrogen gas on reaction with dilute acids?

For the following Assertion and Reason, the correct option is

Assertion (A) : When Cu (II) and sulphide ions are mixed, they react together extremely quickly to give a solid.

Reason (R) : The equilibrium constant of Cu2+aq+S2-aqCuSs is high because the solubility product is low.

Which of the following compounds, on reaction with NaOH and Na2O2 gives yellow colour?
An aqueous solution of a salt X turns blood red on treatment with SCN- and blue on treatment with K4FeCN6 , X also gives a positive chromyl chloride test. The salt X is:
When H2S gas is passed into a mixture of Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ion in an acidified aqueous solution, the precipitates formed are
The pair(s) of ions where BOTH the ions are precipitated upon passing H2S gas in presence of dilute HCl, is (are)
Acidic ferric chloride solution on treatment with excess of potassium ferrocyanide gives a Prussian blue coloured colloidal species. It is:
Upon treatment with ammoniacal  H 2 S , the metal ion that precipitates as a sulphide is
Which one of the following compounds is not a yellow colored compound ?
The correct option(s) to distinguish nitrate salts of Mn2+ and Cu2+ taken separately is(are)
To an aqueous solution containing ions such as Al3+,Zn2+,Ca2+,Fe3+,Ni2+,Ba2+ and Cu2+ was added conc. HCl, followed by H2S. The total number of cations precipitated during this reaction is/are :
Match List - I with List - II :
  List - I (Metal ion)   List - II (Group in Qualitative analysis)
(a) Mn2+ (i) Group - III
(b) As3+ (ii) Group - IIA
(c) Cu2+ (iii) Group - IV
(d) Al3+ (iv) Group - IIB
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
Consider the sulphides HgS, PbS, CuS, Sb2 S3, As2S3 and CdS. Number of these sulphides soluble in 50% HNO3 is ___________ .
A solution containing a group-IV cation gives a precipitate on passing H2S. A solution of this precipitate in dil. HCl produces a white precipitate with NaOH solution and bluish-white precipitate with basic potassium ferrocyanide. The cation is
The cation that will not be precipitated by H2S in the presence of dil HCl is:
In the following reaction sequence in aqueous solution, the species X,Y and Z respectively, are

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