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An object AB is at a distance of 18 cm from a lens with focal length 15 cm. A flat mirror turned through 45° with respect to optical axis of the lens is placed at a distance 0.5 m behind the lens as shown in figure. A sharp image of the object is formed at the bottom of the vessel filled with water upto a height of 20 cm. Find the distance of the image from the optical axis of the system .
(use μwater=4/3)

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Important Questions on Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

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Formation of real image using a biconvex lens is shown below:

If the whole set up is immersed in water without disturbing the object and the screen positions, what will one observe on the screen?
A plano - convex lens (focal length f2 , refractive index μ2, radius of curvature R) fits exactly into a plano - concave lens (focal length f1, refractive index μ1, radius of curvature R). Their plane surfaces are parallel to each other. Then, the focal length of the combination will be:

One plano-convex and one plano-concave lens of the same radius of curvature R but of different materials are joined side by side as shown in the figure. If the refractive index of the material of 1 is μ1 and that of 2 is μ2, then the focal length of the combination is:


A small object is placed 50 cm to the left of thin convex lens of focal length 30 cm. A convex spherical mirror of radius of curvature 100 cm is placed to the right of the lens at a distance of 50 cm. The mirror is tilted such that the axis of the mirror is at an angle θ=30° to the axis of the lens, as shown in the figure. If the origin of the coordinate system is taken to be at the centre of the lens, the coordinates (in cm) of the point (x, y) at which the image is formed are:

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A thin convex lens made from crown glass μ = 3 2  has focal length f . When it is measured in two different liquids having refractive indices 4 3  and 5 3 , it has the focal lengths f 1  and f 2  respectively. The correct relation between the focal lengths is :
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A point like object is placed at distance of 1m in front of a convex lens of focal length 0.5m. A plane mirror is placed at a distance of 2m behind the lens. The position and nature of the image formed by the system is
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