JEE Main
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As the earth rotates about its axis, a person living in his house at the equator goes in a circular orbit of radius equal to the radius of the earth. Why does he/she not feels weightless as a satellite passenger does?

Important Questions on Gravitation

JEE Main
The acceleration of moon with respect to earth is 0.0027 m s-2, and the acceleration of an apple falling on earth's surface is about 10 m s-2. Assume that the radius of the moon is one fourth of the earth's radius. If the moon is stopped for an instant and then released, it will fall towards the earth. The initial acceleration of the moon towards the earth will be
JEE Main
The acceleration of the moon with respect to the earth is 0.0027 m s-2 and the acceleration of an apple falling on the earth's surface is about 10 m s-2. Assume that the radius of the moon is one-fourth of the earth's radius. If the moon is stopped for an instant and then released, it will fall towards the earth. The acceleration of the moon just before it strikes the earth in the question is
JEE Main

Suppose the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface is 10 m s-2 and at the surface of Mars it is 4.0 m s-2. A 60 kg passenger goes from the Earth to Mars in a spaceship moving with a constant velocity. Neglect all other objects in the sky. Which part of the given figure best represents the weight (net gravitational force of the passenger) as a function of time?

JEE Main
Consider a planet in some solar system which has a mass double the mass of the earth and density equal to the average density of the earth. An object weighing W on the earth will weigh ____ at the planet.
JEE Main
If acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth is g, the work done in slowly lifting a body of mass m from the earth's surface to a height R, equal to the radius of the earth is
JEE Main
A person brings a mass of 1 kg from infinity to a point A. Initially the mass was at rest but it moves at a speed of 2 m s-1 as it reaches A. The work done by the person on the mass is -3 J. The potential at A is
JEE Main
Let V and E be the gravitational potential and gravitational field at a distance r from the centre of a uniform spherical shell. Consider the following two statements :
(A) The plot of V against r is discontinuous.
(B) The plot of E against r is discontinuous.
JEE Main
Let V and E represent the gravitational potential and field at a distance r from the centre of a uniform solid sphere. Consider the two statements:
(A) the plot of V against r is discontinuous.
(B) The plot of E against r is discontinuous.