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Calculate the velocity of efflux of water when a completely filled cylinder of height 20 m is punched with a hole on the side wall near its bottom. (Take, g=10 m s-2.)

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Important Questions on Fluid Mechanics

A fluid is flowing through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section, with vms1 at a point where the pressure is P Pascal. At another point where pressure P2 Pascal its speed is V ms-1. If the density of the fluid is ρkgm-3 and the flow is streamline, then V is equal to 
A small hole of area cross-section 2 mm2 is present near the bottom of a fully filled open tank of height 2 m. Taking g=10 m s-2, the rate of flow of water through the open hole would be nearly
Two identical cylindrical vessels are kept on the ground and each contain the same liquid of density d. The area of the base of both vessels is S but the height of liquid in one vessel is x1 and in the other x2. When both cylinders are connected through a pipe of negligible volume very close to the bottom, the liquid flows from one vessel to the other until it comes to equilibrium at a new height. The change in energy of the system in the process is :

A U-tube open at both the ends is partially filled with a liquid A of density 950 k gm-3. Another liquid B of density 820 k gm-3 is poured into one of the arms and it forms a column of length 10 cm as shown in the figure. If the arm into which liquid B is poured is shielded from any air motion, the speed with which air should be blown across the top of the other arm till the levels of the two liquids are at same height in m s-1 is (Density of air is 1.3 k gm-3, Acceleration due to gravity =9.8 m s-2)

A wind with speed 40 m s-1 blows parallel to the roof of a house. The area of the roof is 250 m2 . Assuming that the pressure inside the house is atmospheric pressure, the force exerted by the wind on the roof and the direction of the direction of the force will be : ρair =1.2 kg m-3 

Water flows through a pipe as shown in the figure. The areas of cross-section of sections A and B respectively are 4 cm2 and 1 cm2. The gauge pressure in the pipe at the centre of section A is 1.25×105 Pa  and the flow rate is 800 cm3 s-1. The difference in heights of the water levels in the vertical pipes is_____ m. (Acceleration due to gravity =10 m s-2)


A cylindrical container containing water has a small hole at height of H=8 cm from the bottom and at a depth of 2 cm from the top surface of the liquid. The maximum horizontal distance travelled by the water before it hits the ground x is



The platelets are drifting with the blood flowing in a streamline flow through a horizontal artery as shown below:

Artery is contracted in region II. Choose the correct statement.

Water flows steadily through a horizontal pipe of a variable cross-section. If the pressure of the water is p at a point, where the speed of the flow is v , what is the pressure at another point, where the speed of the flow is 2v? Let the density of water be 1 g cm-3.

In the diagram shown, the difference in the two tubes of the manometer is 5 cm, the cross-section of the tube at A and B is 6 mm2 and 10 mm2 respectively. The rate at which water flows through the tube is g=10 m s-2

Figures below show water flowing through a horizontal pipe from left to right. Note that the pipe in the middle is narrower. Choose the most appropriate depiction of water levels in the vertical pipes.
Water flows into a large tank with flat bottom at the rate of 10-4 m3s-1. Water is also leaking out of a hole of area 1 cm2 at its bottom. If the height of the water in the tank remains steady then this height is:
An aeroplane gets its upward lift due to a phenomenon described by the
A cylindrical tank with a large diameter is filled with water. Water drains out through a hole at a bottom of the tank. If the cross-sectional area of the hole is 6 cm2 then the drainage rate m3 s-1 when the depth of the water is 0.2 m, is
Bernoulli's theorem is based on the principle of conservation of

A light cylindrical vessel is kept on a horizontal surface. Area of the base is A. A hole of cross-sectional area a is made just at its bottom side. The minimum coefficient of friction necessary to prevent sliding the vessel due to the impact force of the emerging liquid is


A bottle has a thin nozzle on top. It is filled with water, held horizontally at a height of 1 m and squeezed slowly by hands so that the water jet coming out of the nozzle hits the ground at a distance of 2 m. If the area over which the hands squeeze it, is 10 cm2, the force applied by hands is close to: (take g=10 m/s2 and density of water =1000 kg/m3)


Consider a water jar of radius R that has water filled up to height H and is kept on a stand of height h (see figure). Through a hole of radius r r<<R at its bottom, the water leaks out and the stream of water coming down towards the ground has a shape like a funnel as shown in the figure. If the radius of the cross-section of water stream when it hits the ground is x. Then:
For small areas of the orifice, the velocity of efflux of a liquid through an orifice in the bottom of the tank depend upon, 
The top of a water tank is open to air and its water level is maintained. It is giving out 0.74 m3 water per minute through a circular opening of 2 cm radius in its wall. The depth of the centre of the opening from the level of water in the tank is close to: