Cyclohexanone on being heated with solution forms
Important Questions on Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
-methyhlcyclohexanone is allowed to react with meta-chloroperbenzoic acid. The major product in the reaction is.
In the reaction
The product is :
Which of the following statement is/are correct.
To prepare ethanol, is treated with the other reagent
Urotropine is formed by the action of with
The conversion of acid chlorides into aldehydes by reduction is termed Rosenmund's reduction.
Aldehyde show reducing properties due to their ready conversion into ketons.
Which of the following statement is/are correct.
Hydrazone of an aldehyde when heated with sodium ethoxide forms alkane This is known as wolf-kishner reaction.
Cannizzaro's reaction is given by those aldehydes which do not have -hydrogen atom.
Two separate solutions, Fehling's solution and Fehling's solution roschell salt are at first mixed up together and is then heated with the aldehyde. A precipitate is formed.
Tollen's reagent gives silver mirror with acetaldehyde.
Consider the following sequence of reactions :
The products and are, respectively :
What is the final product of this sequence?