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Define magic numbers of nucleus of an atom.

Important Questions on Nuclear Chemistry


In the decay sequence:

U92238-x1Th90234-x2Pa91234-x3Z 234-x4Th90234

x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the particles/ radiation emitted by the respective isotopes. The correct option(s) is/are:

A radioactive sample is emitting 64 times radiations than non-hazardous limit. If its half life is 2 h, after what time it become non hazardous?
U92238 is known to undergo radioactive decay to form Pb82206 by emitting alpha and beta particles. A rock initially contained 68×10-6g of U92238. If the number of alpha particles that it would emit during its radioactive decay of U92238 to Pb82206 in three half-lives is Z×1018, then what is the value of Z?
A nucleus X captures a β particle and then emits a neutron and γ ray to form Y. X and Y are:-
Predict the element resulting from two α decay, two consecutive β decay and one γ decay of Th-232
A bacterial infection in an internal wound grows as N't=N0exp(t) , where the time t is in hours. A dose of antibiotic, taken orally, needs 1 hour to reach the wound. Once it reaches there, the bacterial population goes down as dNdt=-5N2 . What will be the plot of N0N vs t after 1 hour?
If the quantity of a radioactive element is doubled, the rate of disintegration will
Consider, the radioactive disintegration A21082BCD20682 The sequence of emission can be
In the nuclear transmutation  4 9 Be + X 4 8 Be + Y , identify X, Y.
If the binding energies of a deuteron and an alpha particle are 1.125MeV and 7.2MeV, respectively , then the more stable of the two is
The mass defect of the nuclear reaction B854Be8+1e0 is Δm. The wrong expression is/are
Assuming that about 200 MeV of energy is released per fission of U92235 nuclei, then the mass of U 235 consumed per day in a fission reactor of power 1 megawatt will be approximately.
In the nuclear process, C611B511+β++X, X stands for _______

Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon (B/A) versus mass number (A) is as shown in the figure. Use this plot to choose the correct choice given below.

Question Image

Which of the following statements are correct?
The curve of binding energy per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This implies that helium,
Which of the following elements have binding energy per nucleon less than 7?
The mass defect of the nuclear reaction B854Be8+1e0 is Δm. The wrong expression is/are
Assertion: Out of nuclei 3X7 and 3Y4 , former is likely to be more stable.

Reason: Size of 3X7 is bigger than the size of 3Y4