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Describe the process of calculating the average velocity from the position-time graph for a given time interval.

Important Questions on Motion in a Straight Line

A particle is moving such that its position coordinates x, y are 2 m, 3 m at time t=0, 6 m, 7 m at time t=2 s and 13 m, 14 m at time t=5 s. The average velocity vector Vav from t=0 to t=5 s is:
The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time are x=5t-2t2 and y=10t respectively, where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds. The acceleration of the particle at t=2 s is
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In 1.0 s, a particle goes from A to B moving in a semicircle of 1.0 m radius (as shown in the figure)

The magnitude of the average velocity is

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Consider a particle moving along the positive direction of X-axis. The velocity of the particle is given by v=αx (α is a positive constant). At time t=0, if the particle is located at x=0, the time dependence of the velocity and the acceleration of the particle are respectively.

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A particle moves so that its position vector is given by r=cosωtx^+sinωty^, where ω is a constant. Which of the following is true?
The acceleration at the end of 2 s, of a particle whose motion is represented by the equation S=4t3-8t2+5t+4 is ______

A particle shows the distance-time curve as shown in the figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of the particle is around the point.


A fly is in rectilinear motion as described by the graph. The average speed of the fly is

The position of a particle as a function of time t, is given by xt=at+bt2-ct3 where a, b and c are constants. When the particle has zero acceleration, then its velocity will be:
Consider a car initially at rest, starts to move along a straight road first with acceleration 5 m s-2, then with uniform velocity and finally, decelerating at 5 m s-2,, before coming to a stop. Total time taken from start to end is t=25 s. If the average velocity during that time is 72 km hr-1, the car moved with uniform velocity for a time of
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A car covers the first half distance between two places at 40 kmph and the other half at 60 kmph. The average speed of the car is
The displacement of a body is given by x=4t+5t3, where x is in metre and t is in second. The difference between the average velocity of the body in the time-interval t=1 s to t=2 s and its instantaneous-velocity at t=1 s is