10th CBSE
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Describe the process of nutrition in Amoeba. Draw labelled diagrams to show the various steps in the nutrition in Amoeba.

Important Questions on Life Processes

10th CBSE
Which of the following has the longest small intestine?
10th CBSE
Two of the following organisms have a holozoic mode of nutrition. These organisms are
10th CBSE
The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires
10th CBSE

When a person eats sugary food, then organisms A present in his mouth act on sugar to produce a substance B. The substance B first dissolves the calcium salts from the top part C of the tooth and then from its middle part D forming holes E. These holes ultimately reach the part F in the lower part of the tooth which contains nerves and blood vessels. The substance B irritates the nerve endings inside the tooth, causing a toothache.

What are (i) organisms A, and (ii) substance B?  

10th CBSE

When a person eats sugary food, then organisms A present in his mouth act on sugar to produce a substance B. The substance B first dissolves the calcium salts from the top part C of the tooth and then from its middle part D forming holes E. These holes ultimately reach the part F in the lower part of the tooth which contains nerves and blood vessels. The substance B irritates the nerve endings inside the tooth, causing a toothache.

What will happen if organisms A reach the part F of the tooth? 

10th CBSE

The partially digested food coming from the stomach of a person enters a long and narrow organ A in his body. The organ A receives the secretions of two glands: liver and pancreas. The liver secretes a greenish-yellow liquid B which is normally stored in the organ C. Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which contains three digestive enzymes D, E and F. The intestinal juice completes the process of digestion of food. The inner wall of organ A has millions of tiny finger-like projections G, which help in the rapid absorption of digested food into the bloodstream. The undigested part of food then passes into wider tube H which absorbs most of the water from undigested food. The last part of tube H called I store this undigested food (or waste) for some time. The undigested food is then passed out through opening as faeces in the process known as K.

What are the digestive enzymes D, E and F? 

10th CBSE

A unicellular animal P having no fixed shape ingests a food particle by forming temporary finger-like projections Q. The food particle is engulfed with a little surrounding water to form a temporary stomach R inside it. The chemicals S from surrounding cytoplasm enter into R and break down food into small and soluble molecules by chemical reactions. The digested food is absorbed directly into the cytoplasm by the process T. The undigested food is thrown out of the body by the rupture of a cell organelle U in a process called V.

Name (i) chemical S, and (ii) process T

10th CBSE

There are four organisms A, B, C and D. The organism A eats only the flesh of other animals as food. The organism B can eat grains, fruits and vegetables as well as meat and fish. The organism C can make the food itself from simple inorganic substances present in the environment by utilising sunlight energy. On the other hand, organism D eats only plants and their products as food.

Which organism (C or D) can be a producer?