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Draw a 45° angle using set square.

Important Questions on Practical Geometry

Draw PQR of measure 70° and bisect it.
Between 50° and 80°, only _____ ° can be drawn with the help of compass and ruler. 
The measure of one of the bisector angle of 170° is
An angle of measure 2212o can be constructed by using a ruler and compass only by
The angle which cannot be constructed using ruler and compass only is

To construct an angle of 30° with compasses, we need to find the bisector of angle _____.

Which of the following angles can be constructed using ruler and compass?
If an angle of measure 60° is bisected twice, the angle so obtained measures _____°

In the first square paper, the sides AB, AD are folded about the corner point A, in a way as shown in figure 2, so that the two folded parts overlaps each other perfectly.

When it is unfolded, we shall find the mark as in figure 3

We find DAE=EAF=FAB=_____°

An angle of measure 2212° can be constructed by using a ruler and compass by

The angle which cannot be constructed using a ruler and compass only is

An angle of 75°is drawn using a pair of compass and ruler by bisecting angles _____.

Steps of construction:

1. Take any suitable radius and O as the centre, draw an arc which cuts a ray OA at point P.

2. With point P as centre and the same radius, mark an arc and name it as F. Again put your compass at F and with the same radius, draw an arc which intersects the initial arc at E.

3. Fix your compass at E, draw an arc with a convenient radius. Repeat the process by putting the compasses at F and let the two arcs intersect at B. Join OBBOA=90°.

4. Now, bisect the obtained angle between BO and OA. Mark it as OCCOA= _____°

The measure of one of the bisector angle of 52° is

Step 1: Let us draw any line segment AB with scale pencil.

Step 2: Now, with centre A and with any radius, lets draw an arc with compass, so that it cuts the line segment AB at C.

Step 3: Next with centre C and with the same radius, lets draw an arc which cuts the previous arc at D.

Step 4: Now, the points D and A are joined and extended. The angle is formed DAB= _____°.


The angle which cannot be constructed using a ruler and compass only is:

If an angle of 60° is bisected twice, the angle so obtained measures _____°.
If an angle of measure 60° is bisected twice, the angle so obtained measures _____°

Steps of construction:

1. Take any suitable radius and draw an arc which cuts ray OA at point P

2. With point P as centre and the same radius, mark an arc and name it as F. Again put your compasses at F and with the same radius, draw an arc which intersects the initial arc at E.

3. Fix your compasses at E, draw an arc with a convenient radius. Repeat the process by putting the compasses at F and let the two arcs intersect at B. Join OBBOA=90°.

4. Now, Bisect the obtained angle BO and OA. Mark it as OCCOA=45°.

5. Bisect 45° to get the required angle. The angles OC and OA are bisected and mark it as OD.

6. Hence, the required angle is DOA=_____°. (Express in decimal)


In the first square paper, the sides AB, AD are folded about the corner point A, in a way as shown in figure 2, so that the two folded parts overlaps each other perfectly.

When it is unfolded, the folds are marked as in figure 3.

It is found that, DAE=EAF=FAB=30°


Again if the side AD is folded about the point A such that AD coincides with AE, it is unfolded

Then, DAG=_____°