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Draw a circuit diagram describing how 6 Torch cells should be connected to a bulb and a switch to obtain effective voltage of 9V.

Important Questions on The World of Electricity


How can a continuous flow of current be obtained? What are the sources of energy and name of the devices required for continuous flow of current?

What is the meaning of the statement “The potential difference between two points is 1 V” ? Name the device used to measure potential difference. What is resistance of a conductor? What is electric power? Write three formulae used to find electric power.
What are conductors? Give two examples.
In a large building, there are 15 bulbs of 40 W, 5 bulbs of 100 W, 5 fans of 80 W and 1 heater of 1 kW. The voltage of the electric mains is 220 V. The minimum capacity of the main fuse of the building will be:
Why are metals good conductors of electricity whereas glass is a bad conductor of electricity? Give reason.

How much work is done in moving a charge of 2 C across two points having a potential difference 10 V?


Write the conventional symbol of the following component used in electric circuit diagram-

An electric cell

How much energy is given to each coulomb of charge passing through a 6 V battery?
Several lamps of 50 W and 100 Vrating are available. How many of them can be connected in parallel across a battery of a 120 V of internal resistance 10 Ω, so that all bulbs glow in full power?

What is a conductor of electricity? Give two examples.


In the given circuit diagram, identify the objects marked as 1, 2, 3.

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Write the conventional symbol of the following component used in electric circuit diagram-

A wire joint

How much work is done in moving a charge of 5 C across two points having a potential difference 15 V?

Write the conventional symbol of the following component used in electric circuit diagram-

Electric bulb


The diagram below shows a dual control switch circuit connected to a bulb. Copy the diagram and complete it so that the bulb is switched ON.

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Draw any four symbols of the components used in electric circuit.
How much work is done in moving a charge of 3 C across two points having a potential difference 15 V?
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Four bulbs B1B2B3 and B4 of 100 W each are connected to 220 V main as shown in the figure. The reading in an ideal ammeter will be
Write the circuit symbol of p-n-p transistor.