12th CBSE
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Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of the human ovary to show the development of follicles and ovulation. Label the different stages in the diagram.

Important Questions on Human Reproduction

12th CBSE

Rashmi gave birth to three girls. Her mother-in-law blamed her for giving birth to girls. However, as we know, ova (eggs) are only of one type containing 22+X chromosomes, but sperms are of two types: one type of sperms contain 22+X chromosomes and another type of sperms contain 22+Y chromosomes. When ovum and sperm with 22+Y chromosomes are fused, a male child is formed and when ovum and sperm with 22+X chromosomes are fused, a girl child is produced.

Read the above passage and answer the following question:

How many types of sperms are produced? (Write in words)

12th CBSE

Mahesh was working in Delhi, but his family was living in a village. One day he received a letter from his father that he is planning the marriage of his sister who is fourteen years old. Mahesh wrote to his father that he should postpone the marriage of his sister till she becomes 18 years old.

Read the above passage and answer the following question:

Who is right, Mahesh or his father?

12th CBSE

Mahesh was working in Delhi, but his family was living in a village. One day he received a letter from his father that he is planning a marriage of his sister who is fourteen years old. Mahesh wrote to his father that he should postpone the marriage of his sister till she becomes 18 years old.

Read the above passage and answer the following question:

What is the right age for marriage for girls? (Write in figures)

12th CBSE
(a) Mention the events that induce the completion of the meiotic division of the secondary oocyte.
(b) Trace the journey of the ovum from the ovary, its fertilisation and further development until the implantation of the embryo.
12th CBSE
(a) When and how does placenta develop in a human female?
(b) How is the placenta connected to the embryo?
(c) Placenta acts as an endocrine gland. Explain.
12th CBSE
Draw a labelled diagram of the human female reproductive system.
12th CBSE
Draw a diagrammatically sectional view of a human seminiferous tubule and label Sertoli cells, primary spermatocyte, spermatogonium and spermatozoa in it.
12th CBSE
Medically, it is advised to all your mothers that breastfeeding is the best for their newborn babies. Do you agree? Give reason in support of your answer.