10th ICSE
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Draw a neat diagram of the stomatal apparatus found in the epidermis of leaves and label the Stoma, Guard cells, Epidermal cells, Cell wall and Nucleus. 

Important Questions on Photosynthesis

10th ICSE

The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow: 

Name the physiological process that releases the bubbles of oxygen.
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10th ICSE

The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow:
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Explain the physiological process.

10th ICSE

The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow:

What is the purpose of keeping a snail in test-tube 'B'?
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10th ICSE

The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow:

Why does test-tube 'B' have more bubbles of oxygen?
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10th ICSE

The diagram below shows two test tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow:
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Give an example of a water plant that can be used in the above experiment.