Draw a simple labelled diagram and explain the functioning of a floating gas holder type bio-gas plant.

Important Questions on Sources of Energy

Srishti was on summer holidays trip to her grandparent's village. She was excited to go on tour to the farmland with her grandfather. While on farmland, her grandfather showed her a biogas plant. He explained to her that bio-mass energy (energy from bio-fuels such as Wood, bio-gas and Alcohol) may be a renewable source of energy because if trees are cut from the forests for obtaining fire-wood, then more trees can be grown in the forest in a short period of time. Although, wood is a renewable source of energy, yet it should not be used on a large scale since if so then, there will be a depletion of the forests leading to an imbalance in nature. Srishti thanked her grandfather for making her understand the bio-mass energy concept.
What do you mean by bio-mass energy?