Upper Secondary: IGCSE
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Draw a tree diagram to show all possible outcomes when two un biased dice are thrown at the same time.

Important Questions on Probability Using Tree Diagrams and Venn Diagrams

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

Question Image

A={25 students in a class}

F={students who study French}

S={students who study Spanish}

16 students study French and 18 students study Spanish. 2 students study neither of these. Complete the Venn diagram to show this information.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

A={25 students in a class}

F={students who study French}

S={students who study Spanish}

16 students study French and 18 students study Spanish. 2 students study neither of these. Find nF'.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

A={25 students in a class}

F={students who study French}

S={students who study Spanish}

16 students study French and 18 students study Spanish. 2 students study neither of these. Find nFS'.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

A={25 students in a class}

F={students who study French}

S={students who study Spanish}

16 students study French and 18 students study Spanish. 2 students study neither of these. One student is chosen at random. Find the probability that this student studies both French and Spanish.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

A={25 students in a class}

F={students who study French}

S={students who study Spanish}

16 students study French and 18 students study Spanish. 2 students study neither of these. Two students are chosen at random without replacement. Find the probability that they both study only Spanish

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

In a class the students all study at least one language from French, German and Spanish. No student studies all three languages. The set of student who study German is a proper subset of the set of students who study French. 4 students study both French and German. 12 students study Spanish but not French. 9 students study French but not Spanish. A total of 16 students study French. Draw a Venn Diagram to represent this information.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

In a class the students all study at least one language from French, German and Spanish. No student studies all three languages. The set of student who study German is a proper subset of the set of students who study French. 4 students study both French and German. 12 students study Spanish but not French. 9 students study French but not Spanish. A total of 16 students study French. Find the total number of students in the class.

Upper Secondary: IGCSE

Sandra has a bag containing three coloured counters: red, blue and green.Draw a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes when one Counter is drawn from the bag at random, then returned to the bag before another counter is drawn at random.