12th West Bengal Board
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Draw suitable graphs to show the variation of photoelectric current with collector plate potential for a fixed frequency but different intensities I1>I2>I3 of radiation. A fixed intensity but different frequencies v1>v2>v3 of radiation.

Important Questions on Photoelectric Emission and Production and Properties of X-Rays

12th West Bengal Board

Fig. 19.13 shows the variation of stopping potential V0 with the frequency v of the incident radiation for two photosensitive metals X and Y

Question Image

Which of the metals has a larger threshold wavelength? Give reasons.

12th West Bengal Board

Fig. 19.13 shows the variation of stopping potential V0 with the frequency v of the incident radiation for two photosensitive metals X and Y

Question Image

Explain giving reasons, which metal gives out electrons, having larger kinetic energy, for the same wavelength of incident radiation

12th West Bengal Board

Fig. 19.13 shows the variation of stopping potential V0 with the frequency v of the incident radiation for two photosensitive metals X and Y

Question Image

If the distance between the light source and metal X is halved, how will the kinetic energy of electrons emitted change? Give reason.

12th West Bengal Board
Explain why there is a cut-off frequency of the X-rays from a particular X -ray tube. Also explain why it should be regarded as a quantum phenomenon.
12th West Bengal Board
An ultraviolet light has wavelength of 3×10-5 cm. What will be the energy of the associated photons in electron volt ?c=3×1010 cm/s
12th West Bengal Board
Light from a source is incident on sodium and emits photoelectrons with maximum kinetic energy 0.73eV. If the work function of sodium is 1.82eV, what is the energy of the incident photon in eV? Find the wavelength of the incident light.
[Given: h=6.63×10-27erg-s,c=3×1010 cm/s,2eV=1.6×10-12erg]
12th West Bengal Board
The maximum KE. of photoelectrons emitted from a metal due to incidence of light of wavelength 5000A is 0.3eV. Find out the work function of the metal in eV (given h=6.64x10-2erg-s,1eV=1.6×10-12erg