Draw the picture of spade and write its uses.
Important Questions on Crop Production And Management

Unscramble each of the following to form a word or term.

Plough, Seed Drill, Hoe, Chain Pump, Sickle

Identify the given agricultural tool.

Write the quadrants in which the following points lie:

Given below is a conversation between two farmers Heera and Beera.
Heera : Brother Beera, your maize crops looks beautiful! They have grown pretty fast.
Beera : Yes, I have sprayed urea this time. What about you?
Heera : Well, I am still relying on good old cow dung. I am saving money for buying a tractor.
Beera : That’s good. Tractor saves a lot of time and labour.
Heera : Yes, it’s been very labour intensive for me and now these weeds have come up.
Beera : Try weedicides, they are very effective.
Now answer the following questions.
What is the advantage of modern agriculture implements over traditional ones?