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Endosperm of gymnosperm is ontogenetically similar to angiospermic

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Important Questions on Plant Kingdom

Identify the plant that possess all the following characters
A) Xylem and phloem are main conducting elements.
B) Pollen grains are carried by wind.
C) Transfer of pollen is direct.
D) Ovules develop into seeds after fertilisation.

The plant parts which consist of two generations one within the other:

(a) Pollen grains inside the anther
(b) Germinated pollen grain with two male gametes
(c) Seed inside the fruit
(d) Embryo sac inside the ovule

Reason for extensive distribution of monocotyledons plants like wheat, maize and barley on the earth's surface are
I) Equal distribution of water and air in the habitat
II) Adaptation to excessive water and extensive dryness
III Do not show adaptation to extensive dryness
IV) Grow in excessive water and extensive dry areas
Which statements regarding heterospory are correct?
(i) The megaspores and microspores germinate and give rise to female and male gametophytes respectively
(ii) The female gametophytes in these plants are retained on the parent sporophytes for variable periods
(iii) The development of the zygotes into young embryos takes place within the female gametophytes
(iv) This event is a precursor to the seed habit considered as an important step in the evolution

Match the following lists.

List I List II
A) Submerged rooted hydrophyte I) Hydrilla
B) Rooted hydrophyte with floating leaves II) Salvinia
C) Free floating hydrophyte III) Victoria regia
D) Submerged suspended hydrophyte IV) Limnophila
  V) Vallisneria

The correct match is:

Choose the correct statements from the following:
A) Meiosis has to occur if a diploid body has to produce gametes
B) In Cladophora it is not possible to categorise the male and female gametes
C) Organisms exhibiting external fertilization show greater synchrony between sexes
D) In Wolffia isogametes can be seen
Male and female gametophytes do not have an independent free living existence in:
Which one of the following drugs is not obtained from fungal or plant sources?

Write the scientific name and the utility of the following plant:



Assertion (A): Petro plants yield bio-diesel.

Reason (R): Jatropha is rich in hydrocarbons.

Male gametophyte with the least number of cells is present in:
Which of the following statements is correct?
Choose the incorrect statements among the following.
A) The female sex organs of Angiosperms are called strobilus.
B) The fusion of motile male gamete with non-motile egg is called zooidogamy.
C) Some algae are in association with animals.
D) Archegonium is flank shaped male sex organ with single cell.
Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of:
In which of the following gametophyte is not independent free living?
The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is
Features which are highly unique to angiosperms
I) Multicellular, much reduced and dependent gametophyte
II) Siphonogamous fertilization
III) Fusion of male gametes with egg cell and secondary nucleus
IV) Development of ovule into seed
Insectivorous plants such as the Venus flytrap catch and digest insects in order to supplement the deficiency of