12th Karnataka Board
Earn 100

Explain refraction of light on the basis of wave theory. Hence prove the laws of refraction.

Important Questions on Wave Optics

12th Karnataka Board

 A slit 4 cm wide is irradiated with microwaves of wavelength 2 cm. Find the angular spread of the central maximum assuming normal incidence to the plane of the slit.

12th Karnataka Board

A small transparent slab containing material of μ =1.5 is placed along AS2 . What will be the distance from O of the principal maxima and of the first minima on either side of the principal maxima obtained in the absence of the glass slab.

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12th Karnataka Board
Give the theory of interference bands and hence obtain an expression for fringe width.
12th Karnataka Board
In Young's experiment, the wavelength of monochromatic light used is 6000 A°. The optical path difference between the rays from
the two coherent sources at point P on the screen is 0.0075 mm and at a point Q on the screen is 0.0015 mm. How many bright and dark bands are observed between the two points P and Q ? (points P and Q are on the opposite sides of central bright band).
12th Karnataka Board
What is polarisation? Interpret polarisation with the help of electric vector. Make it clear why it is a property of transverse wave only?
12th Karnataka Board
Define plane of vibration and plane of polarisation. Give explanation of Malus law and explain parallel and crossed arrangement?
12th Karnataka Board
Two polaroids, P1 and P2, are 'set-up' so that their 'pass-axes' are 'crossed' with respect to each other.  A: third polaroid, P3, is now introduced between these two so that its 'pass-axis' makes an angle θ with the 'pass-axis' of P1. A beam of unpolarised light, of intensity I, is incident on P1. If the intensity of light, that gets transmitted through this combination of three polaroids, is I', find the ratio I'I when θ equal30°
12th Karnataka Board

Four identical monochromatic sources A,B,C,D as shown in the figure produce waves of the same wavelength λ and are coherent. Two receiver R1 and R2 are at great but equal distances from B. Which of the two receivers can distinguish which of the sources B or D has been turned off?

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