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Explain the reason behind the bending of cyclist on a horizontal road while taking a turn.

Important Questions on Circular Motion

A curved road of diameter 1.8 km is banked so that no friction is required at a speed of 30 m s-1. What is the banking angle?

Statement I: A cyclist is moving on an unbanked road with a speed of 7 km h-1 and takes a sharp circular turn along a path of the radius of 2 m without reducing the speed. The static friction coefficient is 0.2. The cyclist will not slip and pass the curve g=9.8 m s-2

Statement II : If the road is banked at an angle of 45°, cyclist can cross the curve of 2 m radius with the speed of 18.5 km h-1 without slipping. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.


A modern grand-prix racing car of mass m is travelling on a flat track in a circular arc of radius R with a speed v. If the coefficient of static friction between the tyres and the track is μs, then the magnitude of negative lift FL acting downwards on the car is:

Question Image

A cyclist goes round a circular path of length 400 m in 20 s. calculate the angle through which he bends from vertical in order to maintain the balance
A curved road of 50 m radius is banked at correct angle for a given speed. If the speed is to be doubled, keeping the same banking angle, the radius of curvature of the road should be changed to
If a curved road is banked at an angle θ1 the safe limit of the speed is v1 . If the same road is banked at an angle θ2 , the safe limit of the velocity is v2 . The ratio v1 :v2 is equal to
A car of mass m attempts to go on the circular road of radius r, which is banked for a speed of 36 km hr-1. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road is negligible.
A cyclist goes around a circular track of circumference 410 m, in 20 s. Find the angle that this cycle makes with the vertical.

A cyclist rides along the circumference of a circular horizontal plane of radius R, the friction coefficient being dependent only on distance r from the centre O of the plane as k=k01-rR, where k0 is a constant. What is the cyclist's maximum velocity with the centre at the point along which the cyclist can ride?

A road is 10 m wide. Its radius of curvature is 50 m. The outer edge is above the lower edge by a distance of 1.5 m. This road is most suited for the velocity
Keeping the angle of banking of the road constant, the maximum speed of the vehicles is to be increased by 10% . The radius of curvature of the road will have to be changed from 20 m to
A car is negotiating a curved road of radius R. The road is banked at an angle θ . The coefficient of friction between the tyres of the car and the road is μs . The maximum safe velocity on this road is:
STATEMENT-1 : A cyclist is cycling on a rough horizontal circular track with increasing speed. Then the net frictional force on cycle is always directed towards centre of the circular track.

STATEMENT-2 : For a particle moving in a circle, component of its acceleration towards centre, that is, centripetal acceleration should exist (except when speed is zero instantaneously).
A car is moving on an unbanked circular bend of radius 50 m, at a speed of 36 km hr-1. The angle of banking required for the safe turning of the car is (Take g=10 m s-2.)
A road of width 20 m forms an arc of radius 15 m, its outer edge is 2 m higher than its inner edge. Calculate for what velocity the road is banked
For traffic moving at 60 km/hr, along a circular track of radius 100 m, the correct angle of banking is 
A road of 10 m width has a radius of curvature 50 m. Its outer edge is raised above the inner edge by a distance of 1.5 m. The road is most suited for vehicles moving with a velocity of
A curved road of diameter 1.8 km is banked so that no friction is required at a speed of 30 m s 1 . What is the banking angle?

A circular road of radius r is banked for a speed v=40 km hr-1. A car of mass m attempts to go on the circular road. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road is negligible.

A curved section of a road is banked for a speed v. If there is no friction between road and tyres of the car, then