Explain the reason behind the bending of cyclist on a horizontal road while taking a turn.
Important Questions on Circular Motion

Statement I: A cyclist is moving on an unbanked road with a speed of and takes a sharp circular turn along a path of the radius of without reducing the speed. The static friction coefficient is . The cyclist will not slip and pass the curve
Statement II : If the road is banked at an angle of , cyclist can cross the curve of radius with the speed of without slipping. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

A modern grand-prix racing car of mass is travelling on a flat track in a circular arc of radius with a speed If the coefficient of static friction between the tyres and the track is then the magnitude of negative lift acting downwards on the car is:

A cyclist rides along the circumference of a circular horizontal plane of radius , the friction coefficient being dependent only on distance from the centre of the plane as , where is a constant. What is the cyclist's maximum velocity with the centre at the point along which the cyclist can ride?

STATEMENT-2 : For a particle moving in a circle, component of its acceleration towards centre, that is, centripetal acceleration should exist (except when speed is zero instantaneously).

A circular road of radius is banked for a speed A car of mass attempts to go on the circular road. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road is negligible.