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Explain zener breakdown.

Important Questions on Electronic Devices


What is zener diode? How is it used as a voltage regulator?


In which bias can a Zener diode be used as voltage regulator?


With reference to semiconductor devices, define a p-type semiconductor and a Zener diode. What is the use of Zener diode?

With the help of a circuit diagram, show how a Zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator.

In the circuit shown, what will be the current through the 6 V zener?

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Draw a labelled diagram of a Zener diode as a voltage regulator.


Draw circuit diagram and explain the working of a zener diode as a dc voltage regulator with the help of its I-V characteristic.


Draw the graph showing the variation of current with voltage for a p-n junction diode, when the diode is

i forward biased 

ii reverse biased

A Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 4 V is connected in series with a resistance R to a battery of emf 10 V. The maximum power dissipation rating for the Zener diode is 1 W. The value of R to ensure maximum power dissipation across the diode is

What will be the current flowing through the 6  resistor in the circuit shown, where the breakdown voltage of the Zener is 6 V?

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You know that to get a regulated d.c voltage, we connect a Zener diode across the output terminals of a rectifier Draw a circuit diagram comprising a Zener diode, series resistor RSand a load resistor RL indicate the direction of current IZ ,IS(=I, total current) and IL passing through the Zener diode,RS,RL respectively. Choose the correct option from the following,

(1) IL=IZ (2) IL> IZ (3) IL< IZ

 How can we achieve the right option?

In such a circuit if VZ=6 V, IL=4.0 A, and IZ=20 mA and the unregulated input is 10 V, calculate the value of series to work satisfactorily.



Two Zener diodes (A and B) having breakdown voltages of 6 V and  4 V respectively, are connected as shown in the circuit below. The output voltage V0 variation with input voltage linearly increasing with time, is given by (Vinput = 0 V at t = 0)


What is Zener diode? Explain its action as a voltage regulator.
Name the device which is used as voltage regulator. Draw the necessary circuit diagram and explain its working.
Drawing circuit diagram, explain the role of Zener diode as a voltage regulator.

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A zener diode of rating 100 mW  is to be used as a voltage regulator. If the zener diode has the breakdown voltage of 5V and it has to regulate voltage which fluctuate between 3V and 7V, what should be the value of RS for safe operation.


For the circuit shown below, calculate the value of Iz:

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Take the breakdown voltage of the zener diode used in the given circuit as 6 V. For the input voltage shown in the figure below, the time variation of the output voltage is: (Graphs drawn are schematic and not to the scale)

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The value of the resistor, RS, needed in the DC voltage regulator circuit shown here, equals:

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