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For a four pole, 16 slot armature with two coil-side/slot having lap connected progressive winding has single turn coils. Then number of commutator segment is?

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Important Questions on Current Electricity

The range of an ammeter of resistance G can be increased from I to nI by connecting
A moving coil galvanometer has a coil with 175 turns and area 1 cm2. It uses a torsion band of torsion constant 10-6 N m/rad The coil is placed in a magnetic field B parallel to its plane. The coil deflects by 1o for a current of 1 mA The value of B (in tesla) is approximately:
A moving coil galvanometer has resistance 50 Ω and it indicates full deflection at 4 mA current. A voltmeter is made using this galvanometer and a 5 kΩ resistance. The maximum voltage, that can be measured using this voltmeter, will be close to:

Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter.

A , B and C are voltmeters of resistance R , 1.5 R and 3 R respectively as shown in the figure. When some potential difference is applied between X and Y , the voltmeter readings are VA, VB and VC respectively. Then:

A student uses the resistance of a known resistor (1 Ω ) to calibrate a voltmeter and an ammeter using the circuits shown below. The student measures the ratio of the voltage to current to be 1×103Ω in circuit
(a) and 0.999Ω in circuit (b). From these measurements, the resistance (in Ω ) of the voltmeter and ammeter are found to be close to

The resistance of a galvanometer is 50 ohm and the maximum current which can be passed through it is 0.002 A. What resistance must be connected to it in order to convert it into an ammeter of range 0-0.5 A?

The diagram below shows a dual control switch circuit connected to a bulb. Copy the diagram and complete it so that the bulb is switched ON.

Sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer is s. If a shunt of 18th of the resistance of galvanometer is connected to moving coil galvanometer, its sensitivity becomes
A galvanometer having a coil resistance of 100 Ω gives a full scale deflection, when a current of 1 mA is passed through it. The value of the resistance, which can convert this galvanometer into ammeter giving a full scale deflection for a current of 10 A, is:
A moving coil galvanometer has 50 turns and each turn has an area 2×10-4 m2 . The magnetic field produced by the magnet inside the galvanometer is 0.02 T . The torsional constant of the suspension wire is 10-4 N m rad-1 . When a current flows through the galvanometer, a full scale deflection occurs if the coil rotates by 0.2 rad . The resistance of the coil of the galvanometer is 50 Ω . This galvanometer is to be converted into an ammeter capable of measuring current in the range 0-1.0 A . For this purpose, a shunt resistance is to be added in parallel to the galvanometer. The value of this shunt resistance, in ohms, is α. Write the value of α, where   is the greatest integer function.
The current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer depends on,
To know the resistance G of a galvanometer by half deflection method, a battery of emf VE and resistance R is used to deflect the galvanometer by angle θ . If a shunt of resistance S is needed to get half deflection the G, R and S are related by the equation:

The galvanometer deflection, when key K1 is closed but K2 is open, equals θ0 (see figure). On closing K2 also and adjusting R2 to 5Ω, the deflection in galvanometer becomes θ05. The resistance of the galvanometer is, then, given by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]:

Current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is 5 div/mA and its voltage sensitivity (angular deflection per unit voltage applied) is 20 div/V. The resistance of the galvanometer is
A four quadrant operation must have_____
The total inductance of an 60mH Inductance L1 And an 30mH Inductance L2 In parallel without mutual coupling will be:
In the given circuit diagram, current in 2Ω resistor is 2A , then the current in 6Ω resistor will be -

In the circuit shown, the cells A and B have negligible resistances. For VA = 12 VR1=500 Ω and R=100 Ω, the galvanometer (G) shows no deflection. The value of VB is

In the circuit shown in figure, the current in 4 Ω resistance is 1.2 A. What is the potential difference between B and C?