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For an ionic micelle-forming surfactant near its critical micelle concentration (CMC), the dependence of molar conductivity and surface tension on surfactant concentration is best represented by,

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Important Questions on Surface Chemistry

An ionic micelle is formed on the addition of:
A sample of red ink (a colloidal suspension) is prepared by mixing eosine dye, egg white, HCHO and water. The component which ensures stability of the ink sample is :

Match the following:

  List-I   List-II
  Type of Colloid   Phase in medium
(A) Aerosol (I) Solid in solid
(B) Emulsion (II) Liquid in solid
(C) Foam (III) Gas in liquid
(D) Gel (IV) Solid in gas
    (V) Liquid in liquid

The correct answer is

The mass of Haemoglobin in mg required to protect from coagulation of 50 mL of a gold sol on adding 5 mL of 10% NaCl solution is: (gold number of Haemoglobin =0.03)

Identify the correct molecular picture showing what happens at the critical micellar concentration (CMC) of an aqueous solution of a surfactant

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Question Image

Molar conductivity m  of aqueous solution of sodium stearate, which behaves as a strong electrolyte, is recorded at varying concentration(c) of sodium stearate. Which one of the following plots provides the correct representation of micelle formation in the solution?

(Critical micelle concentration (CMC) is marked with an arrow in the figures.)
Critical Micelle concentration for a soap solution is 1.5×10-4 mol L-1. Micelle formation is possible only when the concentration of soap solution in mol L-1 is
When a sulphur sol is evaporated sulphur is obtained. On mixing with water sulphur sol is not formed. The sol is
In which of the sols, the colloidal particles are with negative charge?
Which of the following is not a homogeneous mixture?
The INCORRECT statements below regarding colloidal solutions is : 
A colloidal system consisting of a gas dispersed in a solid is called a/an:

Match the following:

(i) Foam (a) smoke
(ii) Gel (b) cell fluid
(iii) Aerosol (c) jellies
(iv) Emulsion (d) rubber
  (e) froth
  (f) milk
The aerosol is a kind of colloid in which
Under ambient conditions, which among the following surfactants will form micelles in aqueous solution at lowest molar concentration?