Give three examples from your daily life which are in the form of a cuboid.

Important Questions on Visualising Solid Shapes
Identify whether the given net can be used to make cube.

Dice are cubes with dots on each face. Opposite faces of a dice always have a total of seven dots or them. Here are two nets to make dice (cube). The number inserted in each square indicates the number of dots in that box Insert suitable numbers in the blanks, remembering that the numbers on the opposite faces should have a total of .

Draw an oblique sketch and an isometric sketch for each of the following:
A cube with an edge long.

Draw an oblique sketch and an isometric sketch for each of the following:
A cuboid of dimensions .

A solid having only one vertex is a

Which of the following is a solid figure?

Which of the following is a plane figure?

The number of faces, edges, and vertices of a cube are, respectively, _____ .