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Graph showing variation of current with frequency of AC source in a series LCR circuit is,

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Important Questions on Alternating Current

An LCR series circuit has an inductance of 100 mH, connected to a 100 μF capacitor and the resistive load is 120 Ω, which is connected to an A.C. source of 60 Hz. The resonant frequency of the circuit is:

A parallel plate capacitor in series with a resistance of 100 Ω, an inductor of 20 mH and an AC voltage source of variable frequency shows resonance at a frequency of 1250πHz. If this capacitor is charged by a DC voltage source to a voltage 25 V, what amount of charge will be stored in each plate of the capacitor?

In a scries LCR resonance circuit, if we change the resistance only, from a lower to higher value :
The Q factor for a damped oscillator is given by the

The readings of ammeter and voltmeter in the following circuit are respectively

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In an LCR series circuit (of inductance L, capacitance C and resistance R), the impedance is minimum when the angular frequency of the source is given by

Find the peak current and resonant frequency of the following circuit (as shown in figure).

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A series LCR circuit driven by 300 V at a frequency of 50 Hz contains a resistance R=3 , an inductor of inductive reactance XL=250π Ω and an unknown capacitor. The value of capacitance to maximise the average power should be:
take π2=10
 A resonant AC circuit contains a capacitor of capacitance 10-6 F and an inductor of 10-4 H. The frequency of electrical oscillations will be :- 
A 100Ω resistance, a 0.1μF capacitor and an inductor are connected in series across a 250 V supply at variable frequency. Calculate the value of inductance of inductor at which resonance will occur. Given that the resonant frequency is 60 Hz.
Which of the following combinations should be selected for better tuning of an LCR circuit used for communication?

Match List-I with List-II.

  List - I   List - II
(a) ωL>1ωC (i) Current is in phase with emf
(b) ωL=1ωC (ii) Current lags behind the applied emf
(c) ωL<1ωC (iii) Maximum current occurs
(d) Resonant frequency (iv) Current leads the emf

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

A resistance of 10 Ω is joined to an inductance of 0.5 H and a capacitance of 20.24×10-6 F. When the circuit is connected to the mains supply of 200 V and frequency 50 cycle per second, maximum current flows in the circuit. The value of current is

What will be the reading in the voltmeter and ammeter of the circuit shown?

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In the given circuit, the reading of voltmeters V1 and V2 are 300 volt each. The reading of the voltmeter V3 and ammeter A are, respectively.

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In an L-C-R circuit, 10 Ω resistance, 0.5 μF capacitor and 8 H inductor are connected in series. Their angular resonance frequency will be
An alternating current is flowing through a series L-C-R circuit. It is found that the current reaches a value of 1 mA at both 200 Hz and 800 Hz frequency. What is the resonance frequency of the circuit?
For an RLC circuit driven with voltage of amplitude vm and frequency ω0=1LC the current exhibits resonance. The quality factor, Q is given by

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In the above circuit, C= 3 2 μF, R 2 =20 Ω,L= 3 10 H and R 1 =10 Ω. Current in L-R1 path is I1 and in C-R2 path it is I 2 . The voltage of AC source is given by, V=200 2 sin( 100t ) volts. The phase difference between I1 and I2 is: