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Gubernaculum is prominently present in the female reproductive system.

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Important Questions on Human Reproductive System

Vas deferens starts from which part of epididymis?
The germinal epithelium of gonads is called _____ (seminiferous tubules/alimentary canal).

Match the following columns and select the correct option.

  Column-I   Column-II
(a) Placenta (i) Androgens
(b) Zona pellucida (ii) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
(c) Bulbourethral glands (iii) Layer of the ovum
(d) Leydig cells (iv) Lubrication of the Penis
Describe male reproductive system of a man. Draw a labelled diagram of it.
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
Which of the following produces testosterone?
Select the correct sequence for transport of sperm cells in male reproductive system.

Study the following table

  Glands Location Function
A Bartholin glands Sides of vaginal opening Lubricate vaginal passage
B Skene's glands Beneath the urinary bladder Lubricate vaginal passage
C Prostate gland Around prostatic urethra Activate sperms and provide nutrition for them
D Cowpers glands Above the prostate gland Neutralises the urethra

Among the above, identify incorrect combination.

The testis are situated outside the abdominal cavity in scortum as it helps to
Identify the correct statement on 'inhibin':
Describe the male reproductive system of humans. What is the chief function of testes?
Identify the complete and correct sequence in the passage of spermatozoa?
Which of the following depicts the correct pathway of transport of sperms?
Testicular hormones like androgens are synthesized by:

Match the following and choose the correct combination.

List I List II
i Inguinal canal a Terminal skin of Penis
ii Prepuce b Cells encircling Oocyte
iii Leydig cells c Connect abdominal cavity and cavity of the scrotal sac
iv Discus proligerus d Testosterone production
    e) Activating the sperms
In which animal the testes are abdominal during embryonic stages but migrate to scrotum just before birth where they remain throughout life
The testes in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity, inside a pouch called scrotum. The purpose served is for
Identify A, B, C, and D in a given diagram and select the correct statement.
Question Image

a. A is analogous to the labia majora of female
b. B is a male primary sex organ that produces male gamete and secretes gonadotropic hormones
c. C is a male accessory gland that forms 60-70% of the volume of semen
d. D is also male accessory gland and its secretion helps in activation of sperms
Choose the correct combination of labeling of seminiferous tubules of testis.

Question Image
Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone is also called _____.