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Identify the graph of signum function fx=4xx and find whether the given signum function is odd or even.

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Important Questions on Functions

The function f :R-12,12 defined as fx=x1+x2, is:
If a ∈ R  and the equation -3(x - [x])2+2(x - [x])+a2 = 0 (where [x] denotes the greatest integer  x) has no integral solution, then all possible values of a lie in the interval 
On the real line R, we define two functions f and g as follows:



Where x denotes the largest integer not exceeding x . The positive integer n for which 0ngx-fx dx=100 is
Let fx be a non-constant polynomial with real coefficients such that f12=100 & fx100 for all real x. Which of the following statements is NOT necessarily true?
The function f :NI defined by fx=x-5x5 , where N is the set of natural numbers and x denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x, is:
For a real number r we denote by r the largest integer less than or equal to r. If x, y are real numbers with x, y 1 then which of the following statements is always true?

Let R be the set of real numbers and f:RR be defined by fx=x1+x2, where x is the greatest integer less than or equal to x, and x=x-x. Which of the following statement are true?

I. The range of f is closed interval
II. f is continuous on R
III. f is one-one on R

If [x] denotes the greatest integer x, then the system of linear equations [sinθ]x+[-cosθ]y=0[cotθ]x+y=0
Which of the following function from z into z is bijection? (z is set of integers)
Let A=  { xR:x is not a positive integer} . Define a function  f:AR as fx=2xx-1 , then f is:
For a real number r let r denote the largest integer less than or equal to r. Let a>1 a real number which is not an integer and k be the smallest positive integer such that ak>ak Then which of the following statement is always true?
Let f and g be differentiable functions on R such that fog is the identity function. If for some a, bR, g'a=5 and ga=b, then f'b is equal to:
Let f: RR be defined by fx=x-1x+1, then f is 
The minimum value of fx=maxx, 1+x, 2-x is
If the function f:R-1, -1A defined by fx=x21-x2, is surjective, then A is equal to
Let t denote the greatest integer t and limx0x4x=A. Then the function, fx=x2sinπx is discontinuous, when x is equal to:
Let S be the set of all functions f:0,1R which are continuous on 0,1 and differentiable on 0,1. Then for every f in S, there exists c0,1 depending on f, such that.
Let X be a set with exactly 5 elements and Y be a set with exactly 7 elements. If α is the number of one-one functions from XY and β is the number of onto functions from YX, then the value of 15!β-α is _____-.
Let f:RR be defined as f(x)=3x. Then
For xR,  Let [x] denotes the greatest integer x, then the sum of the series -13+-13-1100+-13-2100+.....+-13-99100 is