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In a public library, the librarian made the following observations in a particular week.

On which day, the number of readers in the library was maximum?

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Important Questions on Double Bar Graph


The given bar graph represents the number of boys and girls in five different schools. Study the graph and answer the question that follows.

What is the average number of boys in schools A, B, C, D and E?


The given bar graph shows the number of students of two schools over a period of six years.

In the bar graph, what is the ratio of students taken for the years 2008, 2012, 2013 together from school A to the students taken for the years 2009, 2010, 2011 together from school B?



The given bar graph represents the number of boys and girls in five different schools. Study the graph and answer the question that follows.

In which school is the percentage of girls the lowest?


The given bar graph represents the number of boys and girls in five different schools. Study the graph and answer the question that follows.

What is the ratio of girls and boys from all the schools taken together?


The given bar graph shows the number of students of two schools over a period of six years.

In the bar graph, what is the ratio of the average of the total students from school A to the average of the total students from school B?


The given graph shows the number of students of two schools over a period of six years.

In the bar graph, in which year is the sum of the students from schools A and B taken together, the minimum?


The given bar graph shows the number of students of two schools over a period of six years.

In the bar graph, what is the ratio of students taken for the years 2009, 2011, 2013 together from school A to the students taken for the years 2008, 2012, 2013 together from school B?


Study the graph and answer the question.

Total production of wheat in states AB and E is what percentage less than the total production of the rice in states CD and E?


Population of City A and City B in 1990 is in ratio of 4 : 3 and population of City A in 1990 is 32 lakhs so what is the population of City B in 2010?

Study the following graph carefully to answer the question.
The following Bar graph gives the number of products manufactured and sold by a company over the years (in thousands):

What is the respective ratio of the number of products not sold by the company in the year 2007 to those not sold in the year 2005?

What is the respective ratio of monthly income of Ankit in 2006, monthly income of Soni in 2007 and montly income of Juhi in 2008? 


Study the following graph carefully and answer the following question.

The production of company D is approximately how many times that of the production of company A?

The given bar-graph shows the percentage expenditure of a person on food and education items for five years and the table given below shows the total expenditure of that person for these five years.

Year Expenditure
2001 4000
2002 4400
2003 5000
2004 5600
2005 6000


In which year there was the highest increases over the preceding year in the amount of money spend on education?


What was the difference between the total monthly income of Ankit in all the years together and monthly income of Soni in 2007? 


The bar chart representing the number of first-year B.Com. Students of St. Xavier's College using different companies' smartphones. Study bar chart and answer.

The bar chart representing the no. of students using different smart phones. 

What percentage of girls are using the smartphones of Nokia?


In which years was the difference between the monthly income of Juhi and monthly income of Ankit the second highest? 


Study the following graph which shows the income and expenditure of a company over the years and answer questions.

The percentage increase in income of the company from 2007 to 2008 is:


The data given shows the registration of number of bikes and total vehicles (in thousands) for six months in 2017 in city X.

Note : In chart, the first represent bikes and second represent the total number of vehicles.

What is the total increase in registration of bikes from May to June 2017?


The graph given below shows the favourite subjects of boys and girls of grade 7A of a school. What is the percent of students liking English out of the whole class?


The graph given below shows the favourite subjects of boys and girls of grade 7A of a school.

Which subject do boys like more than the girls do?