IBPS Clerk Prelims
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In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word.

When sound (1), the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. (2) then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and (3) in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by (4) acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to (5) totally on mime as the only way of (6) their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had (7) as part of their theatrical (8) in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking (9) entered the scenario, mime was (10) ever used in films, even through a character introduced as a mime artist.

Choose the option that can fill bank (9)

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Important Questions on Reading Comprehension

IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

 Among the biggest worries of working couples today is day care for children and, now, elders. While good day care centres, although expensive, are available for children, such facilities are absent for (1). Working couples constantly worry about the safety of the elderly at home. They shudder to think of accidents that can occur due to faulty electricity connection, cooking gas leakage and a (2) in the bathroom, and dangers from service providers. In many instances, even people well known to aged couples have caused them harm.

 Since nuclear families have become the norm in India, the number of working couples and senior citizens living alone during day time has increased tremendously. Paid caretakers are neither trustworthy nor (3), especially for the middle class. Day Care Centers are a good idea because many elders do not like to move into senior citizen homes. They are (4) to adjust with strangers and adopt a different lifestyle late in their lives. They do not want to be cut off from their children and grandchildren. The elders are picked up and dropped back home every evening. Working couples do not have to worry about them. According to the National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA), there are more than 4,600 adult day care centres in the U.S. However, this concept is not (5) in India. DCCs should be (6) staffed, keeping in mind the needs of elders. Generally, the staff consist of a director, a social worker, a registered nurse, a driver, a secretary, an accountant and assistants who (7) in personal care. A well-run DCC should focus on enriching the lives of elders building upon their skills, knowledge, and unique abilities and strengths. The activities usually include arts and crafts, music, and recreation. Mental stimulation games, gentle exercises, discussions on books and films, outdoor and indoor games, weekly outings and birthday celebrations also form part of the activities. There are health support services such as blood pressure monitoring, vision screening and counselling for depressed seniors. The staff of DCCs should be sensitised to the needs of senior citizens and trained in (8) friendly service. The needs of the physically challenged should be taken care of by specially trained persons.

 The correct way to promote successful ageing is to ensure that elders stay connected with others and remain engaged in some activity of their liking. A DCC does exactly this. Some DCCs can offer programmes that include children. If a DCC and a child care centre are located in the same building, seniors can engage themselves in teaching music, painting, drawing, story-telling and other activities. Enjoyable activities keep the elderly busy. Chatting with others of their age group helps them drive away (9). A DCC should have a library, a computer room, resting rooms with comfortable bedding, senior-friendly rest rooms, television, and a canteen to provide healthy and timely food. DCCs can charge daily, weekly or monthly fees. They should be moderate and affordable. Running DCCs would be suitable for young entrepreneurs who want to experiment with non-traditional business ventures. This business has a social welfare angle to it. It will offer comfortable income to them since India has a significantly large number of pensioners, and middle-class caregivers will not mind (10). NGOs, too, can enter the field and charge nominally for their services.

Choose the correct option for (2)
IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

 Among the biggest worries of working couples today is day care for children and, now, elders. While good day care centres, although expensive, are available for children, such facilities are absent for (1). Working couples constantly worry about the safety of the elderly at home. They shudder to think of accidents that can occur due to faulty electricity connection, cooking gas leakage and a (2) in the bathroom, and dangers from service providers. In many instances, even people well known to aged couples have caused them harm.

 Since nuclear families have become the norm in India, the number of working couples and senior citizens living alone during day time has increased tremendously. Paid caretakers are neither trustworthy nor (3), especially for the middle class. Day Care Centers are a good idea because many elders do not like to move into senior citizen homes. They are (4) to adjust with strangers and adopt a different lifestyle late in their lives. They do not want to be cut off from their children and grandchildren. The elders are picked up and dropped back home every evening. Working couples do not have to worry about them. According to the National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA), there are more than 4,600 adult day care centres in the U.S. However, this concept is not (5) in India. DCCs should be (6) staffed, keeping in mind the needs of elders. Generally, the staff consist of a director, a social worker, a registered nurse, a driver, a secretary, an accountant and assistants who (7) in personal care. A well-run DCC should focus on enriching the lives of elders building upon their skills, knowledge, and unique abilities and strengths. The activities usually include arts and crafts, music, and recreation. Mental stimulation games, gentle exercises, discussions on books and films, outdoor and indoor games, weekly outings and birthday celebrations also form part of the activities. There are health support services such as blood pressure monitoring, vision screening and counselling for depressed seniors. The staff of DCCs should be sensitised to the needs of senior citizens and trained in (8) friendly service. The needs of the physically challenged should be taken care of by specially trained persons.

 The correct way to promote successful ageing is to ensure that elders stay connected with others and remain engaged in some activity of their liking. A DCC does exactly this. Some DCCs can offer programmes that include children. If a DCC and a child care centre are located in the same building, seniors can engage themselves in teaching music, painting, drawing, story-telling and other activities. Enjoyable activities keep the elderly busy. Chatting with others of their age group helps them drive away (9). A DCC should have a library, a computer room, resting rooms with comfortable bedding, senior-friendly rest rooms, television, and a canteen to provide healthy and timely food. DCCs can charge daily, weekly or monthly fees. They should be moderate and affordable. Running DCCs would be suitable for young entrepreneurs who want to experiment with non-traditional business ventures. This business has a social welfare angle to it. It will offer comfortable income to them since India has a significantly large number of pensioners, and middle-class caregivers will not mind (10). NGOs, too, can enter the field and charge nominally for their services.

Choose the correct option for (3)
IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word.

When sound (1), the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. (2) then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and (3) in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by (4) acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to (5) totally on mime as the only way of (6) their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had (7) as part of their theatrical (8) in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking (9) entered the scenario, mime was (10) ever used in films, even through a character introduced as a mime artist.

Choose the option that can fill bank (3)
IBPS Clerk Prelims

In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

It's nearly spring and it's time to grow plants. Of course, not all plants are (1) season. This makes it very (2) ........ . to pick the best plants to grow. The good news is that there are tons of choices. Do you know that plants can grow in nearly every climate? It's true that some plants are picky but most are super (3) ......... and only require water, dirt and of course sun.This spring is the (4) .........time to start your own garden. There are three amazing plants that work in every single climate. The first is spinach. Spinach is very easy to grow because it (5) ......... water well and can stand different levels of heat. The second is carrots. There are many types of carrots you can grow. Most carrots are very quick to grow and also handle all types of climates as well. The third is tomatoes. There are tons of different types of tomatoes. It's easy to find the perfect tomato for any location. Go plant some plants!

because it (5) ......... water well and can stand different levels of heat.

IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

It's nearly spring and it's time to grow plants. Of course, not all plants are (1) season. This makes it very (2) ........ . to pick the best plants to grow. The good news is that there are tons of choices. Do you know that plants can grow in nearly every climate? It's true that some plants are picky but most are super (3) ......... and only require water, dirt and of course sun.This spring is the (4) .........time to start your own garden. There are three amazing plants that work in every single climate. The first is spinach. Spinach is very easy to grow because it (5) ......... water well and can stand different levels of heat. The second is carrots. There are many types of carrots you can grow. Most carrots are very quick to grow and also handle all types of climates as well. The third is tomatoes. There are tons of different types of tomatoes. It's easy to find the perfect tomato for any location. Go plant some plants!
IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First, read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer
Mass migration has produced a huge worldwide economy of its own which has _____(1) so fast during the past few years that the figures have astonished experts. Last year remittances sent home by migrants were expected to _____(2) $232 billion according to the World Bank which tracks these figures. _____(3) through the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of the migrant's family it can't on its own lift the entire nation out of poverty. Those who study the impact of remittances argue that the money allows poor countries to put off basic decisions of economic management like _____(4) their tax collection systems and building schools. Remittances to poor countries can also hide the fact that they do not produce much at home. _____(5) the benefits of remitted cash while avoiding some of its downsides.

Fill in the blank 5.


IBPS Clerk Prelims
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First, read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer
Mass migration has produced a huge worldwide economy of its own which has _____(1) so fast during the past few years that the figures have astonished experts. Last year remittances sent home by migrants were expected to _____(2) $232 billion according to the World Bank which tracks these figures. _____(3) through the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of the migrant's family it can't on its own lift the entire nation out of poverty. Those who study the impact of remittances argue that the money allows poor countries to put off basic decisions of economic management like _____(4) their tax collection systems and building schools. Remittances to poor countries can also hide the fact that they do not produce much at home. _____(5) the benefits of remitted cash while avoiding some of its downsides.

Fill the blank 4.
IBPS Clerk Prelims

In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Starting a (1) ......... data entry business is easier than trying to work from job to job. Having a business means that people will come to your business whenever they need a service you (2) ........ . This also means that instead of having to always(3) ......... for jobs on freelancing websites, you will be able to have clients come to you as needed. One important thing to (4) ......... when starting a data entry business is that customer service is really important. It's hard to get anywhere in the data entry field if you don't provide your customers with all the services they need. It's important that you take your time to really care for your customers completely. Once you are ready to start your data entry business it's time to start building a great team. You want to have a team that can do a (5) ......... range of tasks so that your business can fill customer's needs. You want to always test your team before giving them the task of working with a client.
