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Inner layer of Bowman’s capsule consists of

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Important Questions on Excretion

Suggest a practice to keep your kidneys healthy.

The given part belong to which system?

(a) Kidneys (b) Ureters (c) Urinary bladder

Draw a neat labelled diagram of the system.


Question Image

Identify A, B, C and D in the above diagram of Malpighian body of nephron.

The part of nephron involved in conditional reabsorption of sodium is
Which of the following statements is correct?
Out of total nephrons, what is the % of juxtamedullary nephrons?

A diagrammatic representation of a Nephron is shown in figure with labels 1 to 6. Identify them correctly?

Question Image

Assertion (A): In human beings, kidneys are retroperitoneal organs
Reason (R): They are protruded into the body cavity from inner surface of dorsal body wall and have mesodermal peritoneum on their ventral side only

Consider the following three statements with blanks. Which of the options correctly fills all the blanks in these statements?

a) The ascending limb of loop of Henle's is impermeable to __(1)__ but allows transport of __(2)__

b) __(3)__ and __(4)__ play a significant role in producing a concentrated urine.

c) A fall in the glomerular blood flow/glomerular blood pressure / GFR gets active at the JG cells to release __(5)__


Study the following table.

  Part of Nephron Location Function
A Malpighian body Cortex Filtering blood
B Proximal convoluted tubule Cortex Absorption of useful substances
C Distal convoluted tubule Medulla Absorption of urea
D Collecting duct Only Cortex Collection of urine

Identify the correct combinations among the above.

Filtration of blood during urine formation takes place in
Removal of proximal convoluted tubule from the nephron will result in:

Given below are statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.

Assertion A: Nephrons are of two types: Cortical and Juxta medullary, based on their relative position in cortex and medulla.

Reason R: Juxta medullary nephrons have short loop of Henle whereas, cortical nephrons have longer loop of Henle.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

The shared terminal duct of the reproductive and urinary system in the human male is:
Describe the structure of the human excretory system with a suitable diagram. Add a note on the process of urine formation.
Where are the proximal and distal convoluted tubules located within the human body?

Study the following table

S.No Part of nephron Lined by Substances reabsorbed
I) Proximal convoluted tubule Simple squamous epithelium Glucose, amino acids, water
II) Descending limb of loop of Henle Squamous epithelium (thin layer) Water
III) Ascending limb of loop of Henle Squamous epithelium (lower thin and upper thick) Water, electrolytes
IV) Distal convoluted tubule Cuboidal epithelium Water, HCO3-

Among the above, Wrong combination are

Podocyte layer that provides outer lining to the surface of glomerular capillaries are found in
Name the smooth muscle of the urinary bladder.