Make a large diagram of a mitochondrion. Add annotations to your diagram to explain how the structure of the mitochondrion is adapted for its function.
Important Questions on Energy and Respiration
Copy and complete the following passage describing the adaptations of rice for growing with its roots submerged in water.
The stems and roots of rice plants have very large _____ tissue called _____ which allow oxygen to pass from the air to the _____. The roots are very shallow, giving them access to the higher concentration of _____ in surface water. When oxygen concentrations fall, the roots can oxidise glucose through _____. This produces _____, which is toxic. However, the root cells are tolerant of higher concentrations of _____. They also contain high concentrations of enzyme _____ to break it down.
An investigation was carried out into the effect of different concentrations of aluminium ions on the activity of succinate dehydrogenase. The enzyme concentration and all other conditions were kept constant. The graph below shows the results of this investigation.
With reference to the graph, describe the effect of the concentration of aluminium ions on the rate of production of fumarate.