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Pick out the Adjective Clause in the following sentence and say which noun or pronoun in the main clause it qualifies.

The plan you propose is a very good one.

66.67% studentsanswered this correctly

Important Questions on Basics of Grammar

Select the correct meaning of idioms / phrases given below :
Cry over spilled milk
Identify and select the suitable Noun Clause from the options provided for replacement of each Noun Phrase provided in sentence.

Who can doubt the truth of his statement ?

Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

The books which the professor assigned were very expensive.


Select the suitable Adverb Clause for the given sentence.

He kept on writing as though, he did not hear.

Identify and select the suitable Noun Clause from the options provided for replacement of each Noun Phrase provided in sentence.

Who can doubt the truth of his statement ?

Select the suitable Adverb Clause for the given sentence.

You will succeed or fail _______.

Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Which of the following is also known as relative clause?
Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

Have you seen the horse that he has bought?


Select the suitable Adverb Clause for the given sentence.

Open rebuke is better _____.


Select the suitable Adverb Clause from the options provided for replacement of each Adverb Phrase provided in sentence.

The prince was met on his arrival by his secretary.


Select the suitable Adverb from the options provided.

I won't help you.......you don't agree to work hard.

Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

Which one is the person who stole your car?

Select the suitable Adverb Clause from the options provided for replacement of each Adverb Phrase provided in sentence.

With a view to early retirement he saved his money.


Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

I know a boy whose father serves in the army.


Select the suitable Adverb Clause for the given sentence.

He rides as a cowboy rides.


Select the suitable Adverb Clause from the options provided for replacement of each Adverb Phrase provided in sentence.

Many ships were so shattered as to be wholly unmanageable.

Direction: Some parts of the sentence have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If the sentence is free from error, select 'No error'.
Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

Before I die I intend to see Venice.


Identify the kind of clause used in the following sentences.

I know you have great regard for him.