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Prove that bisector of two parallel chords passes through the centre of circle.

Important Questions on Circles


On the circle with center O, points A,B are such that OA = AB. A point C is located on the tangent at B to the circle such that A and C are on the opposite sides of the line OB and AB=BC. The line segment AC intersects the circle again at F. Then the ratio BOF:BOC is equal to -

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Two concentric circles are of radius 5 cm and 3 cm. Find the length (in cm) of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle.
In an acute-angled triangle ABC, the altitudes from A, B, C when extended intersect the circumcircle again at points A1, B1, C1 respectively. If ABC=45°, then A1B1C1 equals
If two chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre of the circle then they are _____ to each other.
The length of a chord which is at a distance of 4 cm from the centre of a circle of radius 6 cm will be-

The length of two chords AB and CD of a circle of centre O are equal and AOB=60° then, COD is

The line joining the centre of a circle to the mid point of a chord is perpendicular to the chord.

The two chords AB and CD of a circle are at equal distance from the centre O. If AOB=60° and CD=6 cm, then calculate the length of the radius of the circle.


Draw a chord of length 6 cm in a circle of radius 5 cm. Measure and write the distance of the chord from the centre of the circle.

A straight line intersects one of the two concentric circles at points A and B and another at points C and D. Prove that AC=BD.

In the given figure, BC is the diameter of a circle and BAO=60° then ADC is equal to

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Two parallel chords AB and CD in a circle are of lengths 8 cm and 12 cm, respectively and the distance between them is 6 cm. The chord EF, parallel to AB and CD and midway between them is of length k, where k is equal to:

A chord of circle 0,5 touches circle 0,3. Therefore, the length of the chord ___
Let A, B, C be three points on a circle of radius 1 such that ACB=π4. Then the length of the side AB is
The radius of the circle is 20 cm.The distance between two equal and parallel chords is 24 cm. Find the length of the chord.
Prove that the semicircular angle is a right angle.
Two circles intersect each other at the points P and Q. If the diameters of the two circles are PA and PB respectively, then prove that A, Q, B are collinear.
A chord of length 30 cm is drawn at a distance of 8 cm from the centre of the circle. Find the radius of a circle.

In the given circle, with centre OK and L are the mid-points of equal chords AB and CD respectively. OLK=25°, then the value of LKB is equal to

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A chord of 0,5 touches the circle 0,3. The length of the chord is _____