Right-angled triangle can not be an isosceles triangle.

Important Questions on Geometrical Concepts Based on Different Instruments of Geometry Box.
Let's place the set squares on the exercise book and trace two triangles with them. Let's then measure their angles.
Set square No. gives a Set square No. gives a
Measured with protractor, of
Measured with protractor, of _____
Measured with protractor, of
In the same way, by using the protractor, the angles of the are found to be _____, _____ and _____. [Let's do]

Let's measure the angles with protractor and verify.

Using set square, let us draw angle and verify with protractor.

Let's try to draw angle using set squares.

Using Set square, let us draw .

Using Set square, let us draw .

Sayan place two No. set squares together along the edges, to get a shape given below by drawing the figure with pencil on his exercise book.
It is observed that the diagram traced with pencil is a quadrilateral and is named as .
But this quadrilateral is a rectangle, since, by measuring its sides with a scale, it is found,
_____ and _____
Again, it is found by measurement that _____ .

Sahana place two OIJ=set squares together along the edges, as shown in the diagram below. She traced the shape formed by set squares, in her exercise book and named it .
By tracing the diagram formed with two No. set squares, the figure formed is a quadrilateral. This quadrilateral is a square .
The four sides of the square were measured with scale, _____, _____, _____ and _____.
Hence, it is verified that the length of each side of a square are _____ [equal/unequal].
Again, _____.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
Again, the line segments and are measured. It is found that te lengths of the line segments and are _____ [equal/unequal].