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Select the correct I-V graph for ohmic conductors.

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Important Questions on Current Electricity

To verify Ohm’s law, a student connects the voltmeter across the battery as shown in the figure. The measured voltage is plotted as a function of the current, and the following graph is obtained:
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If Vo is almost zero, identify the correct statement:
A copper wire with a cross-section area of 2×10-m2 has a free electron density equal to 5×1022 cm-3. If this wire carries a current of 16 A , the drift velocity of the electron is
The number of free electrons per 100 mm of ordinary copper wire is 2×1021. Average drift speed of electrons is 0.25 mm s-1. The current flowing is
Though the electron drift velocity is small and electron charge is very small, a conductor can carry an appreciably large current because
When 5 V potential difference is applied across a wire of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of electrons is 2.5×10-4 m s-1 . If the electron density in the wire is 8×1028 m-3 , the resistivity of the material is close to:

In the figure shown, what is the current (in ampere) drawn from the battery? You are given:
R1=15 Ω , R2=10 Ω , R3=20 Ω , R4=5 Ω, R5=25 Ω, R6=30 Ω, E=15 V
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In the circuit shown below, a student performing Ohm's law experiment accidentally puts the voltmeter and the ammeter as shown in the circuit below; the reading in the voltmeter will be close to
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A charged particle having drift velocity of 7.5×104 m s1 in an electric field of 3×1010 V m1, has a mobility in m2 V1 s1 of:
Suppose the drift velocity vd in a material varied with the applied electric field E as vd E. Then V-I graph for a wire made of such a material is best given by:
A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross section. The quantity/quantities that remains/remain constant along the length of the conductor is/are
In the circuit shown, the cells A and B have negligible resistances for VA=12 V, R1=500 Ω and R=100 Ω. The galvanometer G shows no deflection. The value of VB is

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When a diode is forward biased, it has a voltage drop of 0.5 V . the safe limit of current through the diode is 10 mA. If a battery of emf 1.5 V is used in the circuit, the value of minimum resistance to be connected in series with the diode so that the current does not exceed the safe limit is :
A current of 5 A passes through a copper conductor (resistivity =1.7×10-8 Ω m ) of radius of cross-section  5 mm . Find the mobility of the charges if their drift velocity is  1.1×10-3 m s-1 .
A circuit to verify Ohm's law uses ammeter and voltmeter in series or parallel connected corrected correctly to the resistor. In the circuit :

Find the potential difference between a and b, as shown in the below circuit.

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I-V characteristic of a copper wire of length L and area of cross-section A is shown in figure. The slope of the curve becomes

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The resistivity of potentiometer wire is 40×10-8 Ω m and its area of cross-section is 8×10-6 m2. If 0.2 A current is flowing through the wire, the potential gradient of the wire is
Drift speed of electrons, when 1.5 A current flows in a copper wire of cross section 5 mm2 is vd. If the electron density in copper is 9×1028 m-3 the value of vd in mm s-1 is close to (Take charge of an electron to be =1.6×10-19 C)
Assertion: The drift velocity of electrons in a metallic wire will decrease, if the temperature of the wire is increased.

Reason: On increasing the temperature, conductivity of metallic wire decreases.