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Shown here are the velocity and acceleration vectors for an object in several different types of motion. In which case is the object slowing down and turning to the right

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Important Questions on Motion

A particle is performing uniform circular motion along the circumference of a circle of diameter 50 cm with frequency 2 Hz. The acceleration of the particle in m s-2 is:
A particle is moving in a circular path of radius a under the action of an attractive potential U=-k2r2. Its total energy is:
A uniform rod of length l  is being rotated in a horizontal plane with a constant angular speed about an axis passing through one of its ends. If the tension generated in the rod due to rotation is T(x) at a distance x from the axis, then which of the following graphs depicts it most closely?

Two particles A, B are moving on two concentric circles of radii R1 and R2 with equal angular speed ω. At t=0, their positions and direction of motion are shown in the figure:

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The relative velocity VA-VB at t=π2ω is given by:


Two parallel discs are connected by a rigid rod of length L=0.5 m centrally. Each disc has a slit oppositely placed as shown in the figure. A beam of neutral atoms is incident on one of the discs axially at different velocities v, while the system is rotated at angular speed of, 600 rev s-1, so that atoms only with a specific velocity emerge at the other end. Calculate the two largest speeds (in meter/second) of the atoms that will emerge at the other end.

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A clock has a continuously moving second's hand of 0.1 m length. The average acceleration of the tip of the hand (in units of m s-2) is of the order of :

Two particles A and B are moving in uniform circular motion in concentric circles of radii rA and rB with speed vA and vB, respectively. Their time period of rotation is the same. The ratio of angular speed of A to that of B will be, 
A solid body rotates with angular velocity ω=at i^+bt2 j^ where a=1 rad s-2 and b=0.5 rad s-3 and t is in seconds. Calculate the angle between the vectors of the angular velocity and the angular acceleration at t=1 sec.
Two cars S1 and S2 are moving in coplanar concentric circular tracks in the opposite sense with the periods of revolution 3 min and 24 min, respectively. At the time t=0, the cars are the farthest apart. Then, the two cars will be, 
A car goes around uniform circular track of radius R at a uniform speed v once in every T seconds. The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration is ac. If the car now goes uniformly around a larger circular track of radius 2R and experiences a centripetal acceleration of magnitude 8ac. Then, its time period is
The angular speed of the wheel of a vehicle is increased from, 360 rpm to 1200 rpm in 14 s. Its angular acceleration is, 
A flywheel at rest is to reach an angular velocity of 24 rad s-1 in 8 s with constant angular acceleration. The total angle turned through during this interval is
A body moving along a circular path due to a centripetal force having constant magnitude is an example of motion with ___ .
A disc spinning at the rate 27.5 rad s-1 is slowed at the rate 10 rad s-2. The time after which it will come to rest is
A wheel starting from rest gains an angular velocity of 10 rad s-1 after being uniformly accelerated for 5 sec. The total angle through which it has turned is

Two blocks of masses m and 2 m connected by a massless string move along concentric horizontal circles on a horizontal frictionless table with O as fixed point as shown in the figure. If T is the period of motion, the tension in the longer part of the string is (Neglect the dimensions of the blocks when compared with the lengths of the string).

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An object moves along the circle with normal acceleration proportional to tα, where t is the time and is α a positive constant. The power developed by all the forces acting on the object will have time dependence proportional to
A particle is moving with a uniform speed in a circular orbit of radius R in a central force inversely proportional to the nth power of R. If the period of rotation of the particle is T, then:
A ceiling fan rotates about its own axis with some angular velocity. When the fan is switched off, the angular velocity becomes 14th of the original in time t and n revolutions are made in that time. The number of revolutions made by the fan during the time interval between switch off and rest are (Angular retardation is uniform)
A particle at a distance of 1 m from the origin starts moving such that drdθ=r, where r,θ are polar coordinates. Then the angle between resultant velocity and tangential velocity component is: