7th Foundation
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Speed-distance graph of an object which comes to rest suddenly is

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Important Questions on Motion and Time

7th Foundation

In the given figures, there are two watches X and Y. Watch X represents an hour and a minute hand and watch Y represents an hour, a minute and a second hand.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect for these two watches?
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(i) Time interval of 1h 15 min can be measured by watch X only.
(ii) Time interval of 2 min 2 s can be measured by watch Y only.
(iii) Time 3:15:20 can be shown by both the watches X and Y.

7th Foundation

The diagram given shows some passengers sitting in the moving bus and a person standing outside, a tree and a house. With reference to the diagram, choose the correct option.

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(i) For a passenger sitting within the bus, the tree and house appear to be moving in backward direction relative to a co-passenger.
(ii) For a person standing on the road, the bus seems to be moving in the forward direction relative to tree and house.
(iii) For a passenger sitting within the bus, a person standing on the road seems to be moving in forward direction relative to a co-passenger.