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The Pneumococcus experiment of Griffith proves that

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Important Questions on Molecular Basis of Inheritance

What was the key finding from Griffith's experiments using live and heat-killed pathogenic bacteria?
Choose the wrong statements from the given below
A) Lederberg and Tatum found that the bacterium donates entire genetic material to recipient
B) Ehrenberg established link between bacteria and infectious diseases
C) Pasteur showed about the significant changes of nature brought by bacteria
D) Griffith discovered recipient cells of bacteria acquire previous characters
Match the scientists of Column - I with their contributions in Column - II
  Column - I   Column - II
i Griffith p Lac Operon
ii Jacob and Monad q DNA is the genetic material
iii Meselson and Stahl r Transforming principle
iv Hershey and Chase s DNA replicates semi-conservatively
Which of the following is the correct structure of adenosine?

Which carbon atom of deoxy Ribose sugar in DNA does NOT contain the



Identify the labels marked A, B, C, D in a sequence in the illustrated diagram.

Choose the incorrect statements from the following:
A) A nitrogen base is linked to the sugar through peptide linkage to form a nucleoside.
B) A polynucleotide chain has free phosphate moiety at 5 end of sugar.
C) In RNA, nucleotide residue has an additional --OH group at 2nd the position of the ribose sugar.
D) It is observed that in DNA, the A: T ratio and C: G ratio are not constant all the time.

A bacterial strain S was heat killed. Another strain R (living) was taken and mixed with this S strain. This mixture of S+R strains were injected into mice. Which of the following are observed by Griffith?

I. The cells of S strain were dead in dead mice.

II. The bacterial cells without polysaccharide coat are transformed into virulent strain in the injected mice.

II. Griffith could not find living S strain in the body of dead mice.

IV. Griffith could find living S strain in the body of dead mice.

The correct combination is:

In sea urchin DNA, which is double-stranded, 17% of the bases were shown to be cytosine. What are the percentages of other three bases expected to be present in this DNA?
Identify the correct order of organization of genetic material from largest to smallest :
Chromosome is the condensed coiled structure of _____ structure.

A student grew virus in three different media containing P32, S35 and DNAase separately and allow this virus to attack to E. coli. The series of observation made by the students are as follows:

a) P32 labelled phage particles were produced in E. coli.
b) S35 containing phage particles were produced E. coli.
c) Phage particles were observed in E. coli.

d) P32 was not observed in phage particles produced by E. coli.
e) S35 was not observed in phage particles produced by E. coli.

The correct observations are

The final proof for DNA as the genetic material came from the experiments of
A molecule that can act as a genetic material must fulfill the traits given below, except