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The SI unit for heat capacity is joule per kelvin.

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Important Questions on Thermal Properties of Matter

A copper ball of mass 100g is at a temperature T. It is dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100g, filled with 170g of water at room temperature. Subsequently, the temperature of the system is found to be 75°C. T is given by:
(Given: room temperature =30°C, specific heat of copper =0.1cal g-1 °C-1)

The figure below shows the variation of specific heat capacity (C) of a solid as a function of temperature (T). The temperature is increased continuously from 0 to 500 K at a constant rate. Ignoring any volume change, the following statement (s) is (are) correct to a reasonable approximation.

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Two identical bodies are made of a material for which the heat capacity increases with temperature. One of these is at 100 oC, while the other one is at 0 oC. If the two bodies are brought into contact, then assuming no heat loss, the final common temperature is

Two different liquids of same mass are kept in two identical vessels, which are placed in a freezer that extracts heat from them at the same rate causing each liquid to transform into a solid. The schematic figure below shows the temperature T vs time t plot for the two materials. We denote the specific heat of materials in the liquid (solid) states to be CL1CS1 and CL2CS2 respectively.

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A water cooler of storage capacity 120 litres can cool water at constant rate of P W. In a closed circulation system (as shown schematically in the figure), the water from the cooler is used to cool an external device that generates constantly 3 kW of heat (thermal load). The temperature of water fed into the device can not exceed 30oC and the entire stored 120 litres of water is initially cooled to 10oC . The entire system is thermally insulated. The minimum value of P (in W) for which the device can be operated for 3 hours is:
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(Specific heat of water is 4.2 kJ kg-1 K-1 and the density of water is 1000 kg m-3 )
Two moles of oxygen is mixed with eight moles of helium. The effective specific heat of the mixture at constant volume is
An experiment takes 10 min to raise the temperature of water in a container from 0oC to 100oC and another 55 min to convert it totally into steam by a heater supplying heat at a uniform rate. Neglecting the specific heat of the container and taking specific heat of the water to be 1 cal gC-1 , the heat of vaporization according to this experiment will come out to be:
200 g water is heated from 40 oC to 60 oC . Ignoring the slight expansion of water, the change in its internal energy is close to (Given specific heat of water =4184 J kg-1 K-1):
An unknown metal of mass 192 g heated to a temperature of 100 °C was immersed into a brass calorimeter of mass 128 g containing 240 g of water at a temperature of 8.4 °C. Calculate the specific heat of the unknown metal if water temperature stabilizes at 21.5 °C. ( Specific heat of brass is 394 J kg-1K-1)
For a diatomic ideal gas in a closed system, which of the following plots does not correctly describe the relation between various thermodynamic quantities?
A 20 g bullet whose specific heat is, 5000 J kg-1C-1 and moving at, 2000 m s-1 plunges into a 1.0 kg block of wax whose specific heat is, 3000 J kg-1C-1. Both bullet and wax are at, 25 °C and assume that i the bullet comes to rest in the wax and ii all its kinetic energy goes into heating the wax. The thermal temperature of the wax in, C is close to.
The temperature of equal masses of the three different liquids AB and C are 12 oC, 19 oC and 28 oC, respectively. The temperature when A and B are mixed is 16 oC and when B and C are mixed is 23 oC. The temperature when A and C are mixed is
1 kg of ice at -20oC is mixed with 2 kg of water at 90oC . Assuming that there is no loss of energy to the environment, what will be the final temperature of the mixture? (Assume latent heat of ice =334.4 kJ kg-1 , specific heat of water and ice are 4.18 kJ (kg-K)-1 and 2.09 kJ (kg-K)-1 , respectively.)
A 10.0 W electrical heater is used to heat a container filled with 0.5 kg of water. It is found that the temperature of the water and the container rise by 3 K in 15 minutes. The container is then emptied, dried, and filled with 2 kg of an oil. It is now observed that the same heater raises the temperature of the container-oil system by 2 K in 20 minutes. Assuming no other heat losses in any of the processes, the specific heat capacity of the oil is
Water of volume 2 L in a closed container is heated with a coil of 1 kW. While water is heated, the container loses energy at a rate of 160 J/s. In how much time will the temperature of water rise from 27oC to 77oC ? (Specific heat of water is 4.2 kJ/kg and that of the container is negligible).
When M1 gram of ice at -10oC (specific heat =0.5 cal g-1 -1 ) is added to M2 gram of water at 50 oC, finally no ice is left and the water is at 0 oC . The value of latent heat of ice, in cal g-1 is:
A massless spring k=800N/m, attached with a mass 500g is completely immersed in 1 kg of water. The spring is stretched by 2 cm and released so that it starts vibrating. What would be the order of magnitude of the change in the temperature of water when the vibrations stop completely? (Assume that the water container and spring receive negligible heat and specific heat of mass =400 J/kg K, specific heat of water =4184J/kgK )
4.0g of a gas occupies 22.4 liters at NTP. The specific heat capacity of the gas at constant volume is 5.0 J K-1 mol-1 . If the speed of sound in this gas at NTP is 952 m s-1 , then the heat capacity at constant pressure is

(Take gas constant R=8.3 J K-1 mol-1 )
Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a monatomic gas is
The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by CP and CV, respectively. If γ=CPCV and R is the universal gas constant, the CV is equal to