The area of a room is 10 m2. The same in ft2 is

Important Questions on Area and its Boundary
You know that the area of a figure is the surface covered by it.Find the area of the following figure by counting the squares. Each square of area

Find the area of the following figure by counting the squares of unit area.

You know that the area of a figure is the surface covered by it. Find the area of the following figures by counting the squares. Each squares of area

A population of living things would most likely decrease if there is/are

You know that the area of a figure is the surface covered by it. Find the area of the following figure by counting the squares. Each square of area

Look at these interesting stamps.
How many squares of one centimetre side does stamp cover?
And stamp ?

Find the area of the following figure by counting the squares of unit area.

Find the area of the smallest stamp in .
Find the difference between the area of the smallest and the biggest stamp in .

You know that the area of a figure is the surface covered by it. Find the area of the following figures by counting the squares. Each squares of area

Find the area of the following figure by counting the squares of unit area.

Look at the below figure carefully.
Which stamp has the biggest area
The squares of side is .
The area of biggest stamp is .

The length of piece A is .
So squares of side can be arranged along its length.
The width of piece A is .
So squares can be arranged along its width.
Altogether how many squares can be arranged on it?