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The base and height of a right-angled triangle are 5cm and 12cm respectively. Find the third side and draw the right-angled triangle.

Important Questions on Square and Cube

Triangles ABC and DEF are such that A=D, AB=DE=17, BC=EF=10 and AC-DF=12. What is AC+DF?
Triangle PQR is a right-angled at Q. If PQ=6 cmPR=10 cm, then QR is equal to:
A village has a circular wall around it, and the wall has four gates pointing north, south, east and west. A tree stands outside the village, 16 m north of the north gate, and it can be just seen appearing on the horizon from a point 48 m east of the south gate. What is the diameter, in meters, of the wall that surrounds the village?

A semicircular paper is folded along a chord such that the folded circular arc is tangent to the diameter of the semicircle. The radius of the semicircle is 4 units and the point of tangency divides the diameter in the ratio 7:1. If the length of the crease (the dotted line segment in the figure) is l then determine l2.

Six consecutive sides of an equiangular octagon are 6, 9, 8, 7, 10, 5 in that order. The integer nearest to the sum of the remaining two sides is
A friction-less board has the shape of an equilateral triangle of side length 1 meter with bouncing walls along the sides. A tiny super bouncy ball is fired from vertex A towards the side BC. The ball bounces off the walls of the board nine times before it hits a vertex for the first time. The bounces are such that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. The distance travelled by the ball in meters is of the form N, where N is an integer. What is the value of N?
A ladder leaning against a wall makes an angle θ with the horizontal ground such that cosθ=513. If the height of the top of the ladder from the wall is 18 m, then what is the distance (in m) of the foot of the ladder from the wall?
From an external point P, a tangent PQ is drawn to a circle, with the centre O,touching the circle at Q. If the distance of P from the centre is 13cm and length of tangent PQ is12 cm , then the radius of the circle is
In ABC, B=90°. If points D and E are on the side BC such that BD=DE=EC, then which of the following is true?

Let ABC be a triangle such that AB=63cm, AC=12 cm, and BC=6 cm. Angle B is 

A very tall tree breaks from the middle due to storm. The broken part of the tree did not separate from the tree and the top of the tree touched the ground at a distance of 12 metre from the base of the tree. If the tree broke at the height of 37 metre from the ground, then what is the length of the broken portion of the tree in metres? 

In the following figure, all the vertically opposite angles formed are right angles. The perimeter of the coplanar figure is _____



Symbol Shape Area
A and B Square 9 cm2
C and D Square 16 cm2


Let abc be a three-digit number with nonzero digits such that a2+b2=c2. What is the largest possible prime factor of abc¯?

a,b,c are the sides of ABC. If 'a' is the length of the longest side of ABC, from the following, _____pair is true to determine the type of ABC.


1 a2>b2+c2                         x right angled triangle

2 a2<b2+c2                         y obtuse angled triangle.

3 a2=b2+c2                         z acute angled triangle  


A chord AB of length 20cm is at a distance of 4cm from the center O of a circle.


The perimeter of a square ABCD is 32. Then the measure of its diagonal AC= _____.

In ABC, C=90°, AC=5 cm and BC=12 cm. The bisector of A meets BC at D. What is the length of AD? 
Let PQR be a triangle in which PQ=3. From the vertex R, draw the altitude RS to meet PQ at S. Assume that RS=3 and PS=QR. Then, PR equals

The circle of radius 4 cm and centre O has a tangent PR. If POR = 90o and OR = 7 cm and OP = 24 cm. Calculate the length (in cm.) of PR.