The centre of the cyclone is called the eye.

Important Questions on Winds, Storms and Cyclones
The centre of a cyclone is called its _____.
(Choose from: eye/typhoon)

(Choose from: cyclos/cylius)

The revolving storm which is formed over warm seawater is _____. (tornoid/cyclone)

(Choose from: Cyclone/tornado)

Select the correct option from the brackets.
Cyclones are generally restricted to _____ (high pressure/low pressure) areas.

The storm associated with funnel-shaped cloud that reaches from the sky to the ground is called _____. (tornado/cyclone)

Choose the right word and fill in the blank provided below.
[harsh / smooth/ easy]
Breeze: gentle :: storm: _____

Choose the right word and fill in the blank:
[Winnowing, Thunderstorm, Electricity, Room Heaters, Blowers]
Strong wind along with thunder and lightening is called _____.

Fill in the blank choosing the right word:
A strong wind can _____ (down root/uproot) trees.