The chemical formula of methyl propionate is.
Important Questions on Carbon and its Compounds
The given reaction is
Elimination of hydrogen bromide from -bromobutane results in the formation of
Observe the correlation in the first pair and complete the second pair.
Saturated hydrocarbons : Substitution reactions : : Unsaturated hydrocarbons : _____.
Observe the following chemical equation of carbon compound.
Name of the chemical reaction and the product ‘x’ respectively :
When a vegetative oil is treated with hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst it forms Vanaspati (vegetative Ghee). This is an example of
Incomplete combustion of coal and petroleum:
(A) increases air pollution.
(B) increases efficiency of machines.
(C) reduces global warming.
(D) produce poisonous gases.
The correct option is:
Propyne and propane can be distinguished by