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The correct floral formula of Liliaceae is

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Important Questions on Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in flowers of

Match Column - I with Column - II.

Column-I Column-II
(a) Question Image (i) Brassicaceae
(b) Question Image (ii) Liliaceae
(c) Question Image (iii) Fabaceae
(d) Question Image (iv) Solanaceae
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Which one of the following plants shows vexillary aestivation and diadelphous stamens?

Identify the floral unit 'I' in the given floral diagram.

Question Image


Botanical names of plants are given in Column I, and the family/order name in Column II. Choose the appropriate combination from the options below.

  Column I   Column II
(P) Tamarindus indica (i) Arecaceae
(Q) Cocos nucifera (ii) Liliaceae
(R) Colchicum autumnale (iii) Solanaceae
(S) Withania somnifera (iv) Papilionaceae

Choose the correct floral formula of the given floral diagram.

Question Image

Find the correct statements among the following:
A) For classification of higher organisms we need to know technical terms and variation of the parts
B) Roots arise from radicle are called fibrous roots
C) The modified bract is called "Spathe"
D) In Apiaceae family, each flower is surrounded by involucre of bracts.

One of the families is characterized by the following floral formula:

Question Image

Identify the family:


Which of the following are the characteristic features of the family Fabaceae?

I. Gamosepalous nature

II. Stamens five, epipetalous

III. Marginal placentation

IV. Petals five, polypetalous

V. Fruit is a berry

The correct answer is:

Family Fabaceae differs from Solanaceae and Liliaceae. With respect to the stamens, pick out the characteristics specific to family Fabaceae but not found in Solanaceae or Liliaceae. 
Match the following lists.
A Atropa i Ormament I Number and codes
B Computer usage in taxonomy ii Medicine II Pterocarpus
C Gloriosa iii Fabaceae III Solanaceae
D Odd sepal anterior iv Numerical
IV Rhizome

The correct match is:

In the standard nomenclature used for depicting floral formula, which type of flower is represented by K5?
Choose the incorrect statement among the following.

Identify the plants by their characters respectively:

A) Helianthus i) Axillary buds as tendril, inferior ovary, mesocarp edible
B) Eichhornia ii) A lateral branch of one internodal length, swollen petiole
C) Cucumber iii) Funnel shaped corolla, dehiscent fruit
D) Datura iv) Basal placentation, condensed peduncle
Match the following lists.
  List-I   List-II   List-III
A Circular DNA i Sprouting out of cell I Attach the bacteria to the host tissue
B Fimbriae ii Outermost layer of the cell wall II Solanaceae
C Middle lamella iii Makoi III Plasmid DNA
D Mesocarp and endocarp fused iv No nuclear membrane IV Develops from the cell plate

The correct match is:

Choose the correct set of plants showing the following features
A) Medicinally important plant and a tendrillar climber with unisexual flowers
B) Spice yielding plant with cymose inflorescence, persistent calyx, unilocular ovary
C) Oilseed plant with monadelphous stamens, unilocular ovary, and indehiscent pod
Which of the following is the correct floral formula of Liliaceae?