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The correct statement for CsBr3 is:

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Important Questions on Solid State

An intrinsic semiconductor is converted into n-type extrinsic semiconductor by doping it with:-

In the following circuit diagram, the current through the battery is

Question Image


Match the following

        List - I                                      List-II
A) Metallic solid                         I) Carbon tetrachloride
B) Covalent solid                       II) Calcium fluoride
C) Molecular solid                     III) Copper
D) Ionic solid                             IV) Silicon carbide
                                                   V) Glass

The correct answer is

The radius of K+ is 133 pm and that of Cl- is 181 pm. The volume of the unit cell of KCl expressed in 10-22 cm3 is:
Which among the following is NOT a polar molecular solid ?
Which of the following is not a conductor of electricity?
The barrier potential of a p-n junction depends on:
a type of semi-conductor material
b amount of doping
c temperature
Which one of the following is correct?
The contribution to the total current in a semiconductor, due to electrons and holes are 0.75 and 0.25 respectively. The drift velocity of electrons is 32 times that of holes at this temperature. Then the ratio between electron concentration and hole concentration is
A compound formed by elements X and Y crystallises in the cubic structure, where X atoms are at the corners of a cube and Y atoms are at the centre of the body. The formula of the compounds is
In calcium fluoride, having the fluorite structure, the coordination numbers for calcium ion Ca2+ and fluoride ion F- are
Which of the following oxides shows electrical properties like metals?
The density of an electron-hole pair in pure germanium is 3×1016 m-3 at room temperature. On doping with aluminium, the hole density increases to 4.5×1022 m-3. Now the electron density (in m-3 ) in doped germanium will be
______ solids are formed by the three-dimensional arrangements of cations and anions bound by strong Coulombic (electrostatic) forces.
A hard substance melts at high temperature and is an insulator in both solid and in molten state.
This solid is most likely to be a / an :

The cubic unit cell structure of a compound containing cation M and anion X is shown below. When compared to the anion, the cation has smaller ionic radius. Choose the correct statement(s).

Question Image 

A unit cell of calcium fluoride has four calcium ions. The number of fluoride ions in the unit cell is
Consider an ionic solid MX, with NaCl structure. Construct a new structure Z, whose unit cell is constructed from the unit cell of MX, following the sequential instructions given below. Neglect the charge balance.

(i) Remove all the anions X, except the central one.

(ii) Replace all the face centered cations M, by anions X.

(iii) Remove all the corner cations M.

(iv) Replace the central anion X, with cation M.

The value of number of anionsnumber of cations in Z is _____.